Hi, Guys If anyone have any examples of sub forms with Ajax PHP pls send me or come online to help me in am new in php.

I want something like following:

In my php file two forms are submitting data to DB.
First is customer info info and then items form.
How to create to add item in my invoices in php
Also i want to save this file in pdf.

I am waiting for help pls help me, i am online on danishahmed150@hotmail.com

A code sample of what you have so far would help, but here is one possible approach.

1. the customer form should return a customer id, rendering it as part of an "customer added screen"
2. the add_lineitem form calls a javascript function which includes the customer id (via document.getElementById()) in the ajax call that adds the lineitem to the database

Finally, a search of the DB by customer ID can be used to extract all lineitems and produce an invoice.

Hi, Guys If anyone have any examples of sub forms with Ajax PHP pls send me or come online to help me in am new in php.


I want something like following:

In my php file two forms are submitting data to DB.
First is customer info info and then items form.
How to create to add item in my invoices in php
Also i want to save this file in pdf.

I am waiting for help pls help me, i am online on danishahmed150@hotmail.com

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