It's ok my friend. I think we forgot one thing here. The total price by retailer in the table column. Can you tell me how we go about that?

Ups. Give me couple of minutes.

Here is corrected code. I added $totalsArray array in couple of places.


// uncomment this for you to work
// include('db_connect.php'); 
// $username = $_SESSION['username']; 

// --------------------------------------------
$link = dbConnect(array('driver' => 'mysql'));
$username = 'davinci'; 
// --------------------------------------------

$user = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select user_id from tbllogin where username = '{$username}'")); 

// get favourite retailers
$qRet  = "SELECT tblfav_ret.ret_id, tblretailer.ret_name, tblretailer.user_id AS ret_admin_id ";
$qRet .= "FROM tblfav_ret ";
$qRet .= "JOIN tblretailer ON tblfav_ret.ret_id=tblretailer.ret_id ";
$qRet .= "WHERE tblfav_ret.user_id = '{$user['user_id']}' ";
$qRet .= "ORDER BY tblretailer.ret_id";
$retRes = mysql_query($qRet);

// array with data about favourite retailers (id and name)
// used for table heading
$favRetailerArray = array();

// array with retailer user_ids (called ret_admin_id to avoid confusion)
$favRetailerAdminArray = array();

// create arraya with retailer data and retailer admin IDs (to map to retailers later)
while($retRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($retRes)) {

    $ret_id = $retRow['ret_id'];
    $favRetailerArray[$ret_id] = $retRow['ret_name'];
    $favRetailerAdminArray[] = $retRow['ret_admin_id'];

// make a string that will be an IN condition for SQL statement for prices
$retAdminIdList = implode(',', $favRetailerAdminArray);

// start HTML table
echo "<table bgcolor='grey' width='80%' border=1>";

// HTML table header
echo "<th>Name</th>";
foreach($favRetailerArray as $ret_name) {

    echo "<th>$ret_name</th>";
echo "</tr>";

// initialize totals array
for($i = 0; $i < count($favRetailerAdminArray); $i++) {
    $totalsArray[$i] = 0;

// query for getting products of favourite retailers (without any prices)
$qFav  = "SELECT tblfavourites.prod_id, tblproduct.prod_name, tblretailer.user_id as ret_admin_id  ";
$qFav .= "FROM tblfavourites ";
$qFav .= "JOIN tblproduct ON tblproduct.prod_id=tblfavourites.prod_id ";
$qFav .= "JOIN tblfav_ret ON tblfav_ret.user_id=tblfavourites.user_id ";
$qFav .= "JOIN tblretailer ON tblfav_ret.ret_id=tblretailer.ret_id ";
$qFav .= "WHERE tblfavourites.user_id = '{$user['user_id']}' ";
$qFav .= "GROUP BY tblproduct.prod_id ";
$qFav .= "ORDER BY tblproduct.prod_id";
$favRes = mysql_query($qFav);

// print HTML rows
// first cell is product name
// - other cells are prices for favourite retailers (read by SQL below)
while($favRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($favRes)) {

    $prod_id = $favRow['prod_id'];
    $prod_name = $favRow['prod_name'];

    // add table cell for product name
    echo "<tr><td>$prod_name</td>";

    // read proces for favourites retailers for this product
    $qProd  = "SELECT tblretprod.user_id as ret_admin_id, tblretprod.prod_price FROM tblretprod ";
    $qProd .= "JOIN tblretailer ON tblretprod.user_id=tblretailer.user_id ";
    $qProd .= "WHERE tblretprod.user_id IN ($retAdminIdList) AND tblretprod.prod_id=$prod_id ";
    $qProd .= "ORDER BY tblretailer.ret_id";
    $prodRes = mysql_query($qProd);

    // add cells for prices for each retailer
    while($prodRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($prodRes)) {

        $ret_admin_id = $prodRow['ret_admin_id'];

        for($i = 0; $i < count($favRetailerAdminArray); $i++) {

            if($ret_admin_id == $favRetailerAdminArray[$i]) {

                echo "<td>{$prodRow['prod_price']}</td>";
                $totalsArray[$i] += $prodRow['prod_price'];

            } else {
                echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>";

    echo '</tr>';   

// a row with totals
echo "<tr><td>TOTAL</td>";
for($i = 0; $i < count($favRetailerAdminArray); $i++) {
    echo "<td>{$totalsArray[$i]}</td>";
echo '</tr>';

// end HTML table
echo "</table>";

That works great. Thank you a lot my friend. I would not have been able to do that without you.

This completes my project.

I owe u this one.

No problem. Happy coding.

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