Hi., I'm new to php using yii framework.The radiobuttons in the radio buttonlist are not displayed in IE9 and above.The code written is as follows.
The radio buttons are displayed well in all the remaining browsers and also below IE-9(even not in IE-9). how to resolve this issue.

<div class="services_opts">
     <li class="house_cleaning">
         <div class="row-fluid">
             <?php echo $form->radioButtonList($homeModel, 'HouseCleaning', array('1' => 'Please clean my house', '0' => 'Not Required'), array('separator' => '     ', 'class' => 'styled', 'id' => 'HomeServiceForm_HouseCleaning')); ?>
     <li class="car_wash">
         <div class="row-fluid">
             <?php echo $form->radioButtonList($homeModel, 'CarCleaning', array('1' => 'I want my car to be washed', '0' => 'No car wash needed'), array('uncheckValue' => null, 'separator' => '     ', 'class' => 'styled', 'id' => 'HomeServiceForm_CarCleaning')); ?>
     <li class="stewards">
         <div class="row-fluid">
             <?php echo $form->radioButtonList($homeModel, 'StewardCleaning', array('1' => 'I want stewards for my party', '0' => 'I am not having a party'), array('uncheckValue' => null, 'separator' => '     ', 'class' => 'styled', 'id' => 'HomeServiceForm_StewardCleaning')); ?>

please help me to get me out from this problem.

The output is rendered other than in IE9 and above

<DIV class=row-fluid>
    <DIV class=" span12">
        <DIV class=services_opts>
                <LI class="house_cleaning select">
                    <DIV class=row-fluid>
                        <INPUT name=HomeServiceForm[HouseCleaning] id=ytHomeServiceForm_HouseCleaning type=hidden>
                        <SPAN id=HomeServiceForm_HouseCleaning>

                            <SPAN class=radio style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: 0px -50px"></SPAN>
                            <INPUT name=HomeServiceForm[HouseCleaning] class=styled id=HomeServiceForm_HouseCleaning_0 type=radio value=1> 
                            <LABEL for=HomeServiceForm_HouseCleaning_0>Please clean my house</LABEL>     
                            <SPAN class=radio></SPAN>
                            <INPUT name=HomeServiceForm[HouseCleaning] class=styled id=HomeServiceForm_HouseCleaning_1 type=radio value=0> 
                            <LABEL for=HomeServiceForm_HouseCleaning_1>Not Required</LABEL>
                <LI class="car_wash select">
                    <DIV class=row-fluid>
                        <SPAN id=HomeServiceForm_CarCleaning>
                            <SPAN class=radio style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: 0px -50px">
                            </SPAN><INPUT name=HomeServiceForm[CarCleaning] class=styled id=HomeServiceForm_CarCleaning_0 type=radio value=1> 
                            <LABEL for=HomeServiceForm_CarCleaning_0>I want my car to be washed</LABEL>     
                            <SPAN class=radio></SPAN>
                            <INPUT name=HomeServiceForm[CarCleaning] class=styled id=HomeServiceForm_CarCleaning_1 type=radio value=0> 
                            <LABEL for=HomeServiceForm_CarCleaning_1>No car wash needed</LABEL>
                <LI class="stewards select">
                    <DIV class=row-fluid>
                        <SPAN id=HomeServiceForm_StewardCleaning>
                            <SPAN class=radio style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: 0px -50px"></SPAN>
                            <INPUT name=HomeServiceForm[StewardCleaning] class=styled id=HomeServiceForm_StewardCleaning_0 type=radio value=1> 
                            <LABEL for=HomeServiceForm_StewardCleaning_0>I want stewards for my party</LABEL>     
                            <SPAN class=radio></SPAN>
                            <INPUT name=HomeServiceForm[StewardCleaning] class=styled id=HomeServiceForm_StewardCleaning_1 type=radio value=0> 
                            <LABEL for=HomeServiceForm_StewardCleaning_1>I am not having a party</LABEL>

The following span tag is not rendered in IE9 and above.

<SPAN class=radio style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: 0px -50px">

How to resolve it.Please help me out.

Do you have any CSS specifying overflow:hidden for the divs containing the radio buttons? Sounds random but I know thats been an issue before.

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