Am trying to fetch data from one table of one DB and put it into another DB's table.
I wrote below connection code for this:

$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
/* OLD EIMS connection values */
$old_host= "localhost"; 
$old_database ="EIMS_OLD";

/* NEW EIMS connection values */
$new_host= "111.11.111"; 
$new_database ="EIMS_REVAMP";

/* connection with logfile */
$file = fopen("/var/www/migration_logfile.txt","a+");
    echo " failed to open migration log file";

/* Connect with OLD EIMS */
$old_EIMS_connection = mysql_connect($old_host,$old_uname,$old_pass);
$old_EIMS_connection_link =mysql_select_db($old_database, $old_EIMS_connection);

/* Connect with New EIMS */
$new_EIMS_connection = mysql_connect($new_host,$new_uname,$new_pass);
$new_connection_link =mysql_select_db($new_database, $new_EIMS_connection);

if (!$old_EIMS_connection_link) {
    fwrite($file,$date ."    Connection failed with OLD EIMS -> error -> ".mysql_error());
    die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error());    

if (!$new_EIMS_connection) {
    fwrite($file,$date ."    Connection failed with NEW EIMS -> error -> ".mysql_error());
    die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error());    
else {
        /* Query for University Table, import row by row */
        $OLD_EIMS_university_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM  university ",$old_EIMS_connection);

        // Write in log if fails
            fwrite($file,$date ."    Could not run Select from University query: " . mysql_error());
        else{ //insert values in new database table
                while($row1 = mysql_fetch_row($OLD_EIMS_university_query))
                    $university_id= $row[0];
                    $university_name= $row[1];
                   $NEW_EIMS_query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO university ( university_id ,university_name ,created_at ,updated_at) 
                                                  VALUES (".$university_id." , '".$university_name."', '".$date."', '".$date."')",$new_EIMS_connection);

                        fwrite($file,$date ."    Could not run query for University Table insertion.    Error: " . mysql_error());
                        echo 'Could not run query for University Table insertion. Error: ' . mysql_error();
                        echo "<br>";
    /* Added this and stopped working */

        /* Query for Collge Table, import row by row */
        $OLD_EIMS_college_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM  college ",$old_EIMS_connection);

        // Write in log if fails
            fwrite($file,$date ."    Could not run Select from College query: " . mysql_error());
            echo 'Could not run College Table select query. Error: ' . mysql_error();
        else{ //insert values in new database table
        // it returns $row2 false but not showing error
                while($row2 = mysql_fetch_row($OLD_EIMS_college_query))
                    echo "am in while loop<br>";
                    $college_id= $row[0];
                    $college_name= $row[1];
                    $university_id= $row[4];
                    echo "college_id: ".$college_id. " college_name".$college_name . " university_id".$university_id ."<br>";




It was working everything till I have University in loop
It was showing errors, writting in file
but when I inserted College this this loop, it stopped working for both University and College

When I debug this, it shows me Resouce ID# i.e. it is connecting and fetching data.
but it not showing me what I echo.
Why so?
i removed college from loop still it is not showing any error.

Am i doing any mistk in this?

I had passed wrong varible while connecting

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