Hello everyone,

I'm currently developing a static web page intended to assist my students with their studies. The web page includes various educational tools and resources, which I've outlined using AWS services. You can check out the current version here: Click here to test my simple tool for teachers and students.

I plan to transfer this site to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to leverage their robust infrastructure and various tools. However, I'm running into an error during the payment setup process. AWS is not accepting my payment details and returns an error message stating, "You already have an account." This has left me quite perplexed, as I don't recall creating an AWS account previously.

I'm looking for advice on the following:

Identifying Existing Accounts: How can I definitively determine if I have an existing AWS account?
Resolving Payment Issues: What steps can I take to resolve the payment acceptance issue?
Account Verification: Are there other methods to verify if my email or payment information is already linked to an AWS account?
Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I’m eager to get this project up and running on AWS and any help to overcome this hurdle would be invaluable.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

I suppose I'm confused why you can't just do a lost password reset?

commented: i didn't used it before. +0
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