60 Topics

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Member Avatar for berryandcherry

Below is the code i am using to create dropdown using listfields.In this i am able to create dropdown with hardcoded data binded to listfields with no Problem,but when i bind data from webservice when i clicked on horizontalfield(dropdown),first it shows the null pointer exception(White screen),by clicking middle button of …

Member Avatar for Mya:)

One of my friends gave me his blackberry curve 8520 to update the software. He went to the repair centre becuase his screen went white and it doesn't want to reboot or anything, and they said it will cost him R350. I already checked the battery and it's not the …

Member Avatar for Mya:)

One of my friends gave me his blackberry curve 8520 to update the software. He went to the repair centre becuase his screen went white and it doesn't want to reboot or anything, and they said it will cost him R350. I already checked the battery and it's not the …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for pwolf

I am planning a service that I would like to eventually grow into a multi-platform service, however, my original plan of creating a hybrid app may not be the best decision. Is it better to come up with one app design and recreate it on each platform, or design a …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22083[/ATTACH]In an unusual take on the usual 'my smartphone is better than your smartphone' debate, a new survey has revealed that when it comes to the amount of time we spend using our handset of choice, iPhone users are the biggest addicts. So addicted, in fact, that many iPhone users …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for Nionoas

Android, Apple, and Blackberry are te biggest smartphone company at this moment, what next vendor or OS will grow up in your opinion?

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for happygeek

The UK-based [Surrey Police Force](http://www.surrey.police.uk/) has long since embraced Internet culture as being a way to help fight crime. It has an online crime reporting tool, active accounts on Facebook and Twitter, as well as a video channel on YouTube. But now it has moved into smartphone territory in order …

Member Avatar for Seten
Member Avatar for UrbanKhoja

BlackBerry Vs iPhone? I know it’s a question that is not only as old as time itself, but has been answered many times. But as a BlackBerry user migrating to iPhone I thought I’d have a go myself. You don’t have to look too far to stumble across numerous reviews, …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for shaneo123

Hi i am a new developer i am just trying to create a simple app and put it on my phone. i have created a hello world one and successfully put that on my phone, i am now trying to create one where you click on a button and it …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]21935[/ATTACH]While it is always easy for 'the media' to blame technology for whatever bad stuff is currently filling the front pages of the newspapers, could it actually have a point as rioting and looting rip apart the streets of London? The answer might appear to be a tentative yes as …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22271[/ATTACH]It's official: Android now has a greater market share than iPhone across the EU5 countries of France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. According to newly published data from the [URL="http://www.comscore.com/Products_Services/Product_Index/MobiLens"]comScore MobiLens service[/URL], nearly one in four smartphone users in the EU5 region were using smartphones running on a Google …

Member Avatar for Swordstech
Member Avatar for happygeek

What does your Android, BlackBerry or iPhone say about you? That's what newly published research by YouGov on behalf of Intelligent Environments aimed to find out, but the results were a little surprising to say the least. [attach]20446[/attach] The research analysed the financial profiles of each smartphone to paint a …

Member Avatar for katmai539
Member Avatar for sam023

i just to know how can we implement the feature of live streaming in my blackberry aplication.. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for zimboden

How to detect if a browser supports iFrames? [CODE] <script type="text/javascript" > var e = document.createElement("iframe"); if('src' in e){ alert("Your browser supports IFRAMES"); }else { alert("Your browser DOES NOT support IFRAMES"); } </script> [/CODE] WHen you use createElement(), if you pass it 'iframe' it will contain specific iframe properties, like …

Member Avatar for bhakki

hi all, I developed j2me, android and blackberry based applications. I need to showing the demo for clients through my own website. Is this possible for showing the demo using micro emulator through my website?. For example user can choose the both type of mobile and type of application and …

Member Avatar for ray_broome

Hi, I'm now starting out learning blackberry development, in hopes to eventually create an app using google maps so that mobile users can report different types issues and pinpoint their location (it is supposed to be an app that will hopefully be used by government). What i'm wondering though is …

Member Avatar for William Duffy

Hello everyone, I am currently employed by a cell phone provider and i am looking for a place to spread my knowledge and help those who need help. I know alot about phones and thier operation and the systems they opperate on. if I can't answer your question ill use …

Member Avatar for NateBerry

I am a newbie. Just getting started. I work for an IT Services supplier just outside London, UK. I'm a Blackberry Support Engineer and look after the BES infrastructure for a government client. There's loads of stuff I enjoy / am into, but I'll start in the fine tradition... Name: …

Member Avatar for mushget
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16930[/ATTACH]Just weeks after Research in Motion [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story303272.html"]installed servers in Saudi Arabia[/URL] to allow authorities there to monitor Blackberry messaging traffic and avoid being shut down in the Kingdom, an encore of the drama is playing out in India. The Indian government has [URL="http://www.informationweek.com/news/software/operatingsystems/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=226700187"]pledged to shut down RIM's encrypted services[/URL] in …

Member Avatar for burgercho

I was wondering if there was any way to make an ApplicationMenuItem inside the message edit screen that, when selected sends the message to the selected contacts itself, bypassing the default sending program. I am fine with the menu item and have seen how to do similar things by retrieving …

Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16534[/ATTACH]Alcohol remains off limits, but it looks like Saudis will still be allowed to feed their Crackberry addiction after all. The Saudi government had said that it would begin blocking Blackberry's instant messaging services on Friday - claiming that by not being allowed to monitor messages, the popular devices and …

Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

[ATTACH=LEFT]16524[/ATTACH]A new utility app, officially released August 6, 2010, makes it possible for Blackberry users to get more life out of their battery by allowing them to decide how to use the remaining power left before recharging. Instead of hearing warning beeps and seeing a screen that doesn't show how …

Member Avatar for burgercho

I am making an application for blackberries and wanted to make use of touch capabilities on touch capable phones. Is there a way to do this without making two separate projects (like I would in c with preprocessors that check the compiler)? An idea of what I'm trying to do …

Member Avatar for burgercho
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16392[/ATTACH]Just a day after Research in Motion gobbled up all the day's buzz with the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story301696.html"]release of its new OS version 6 and Torch Blackberry[/URL], King Crackberry has been dethroned. Smartphones running Google's Android OS were the top-seller in the US during the second quarter of 2010, accounting for a …

Member Avatar for PCBrown

Research In Motion (RIM) held an event in NYC at 11 AM EDT today to announce a new device previously referred to as the BlackBerry 9800, but now known as the Blackberry Torch. The real excitement however is the BlackBerry 6 OS. RIM hopes that their revamped focus on multimedia …

Member Avatar for Agilemind
Member Avatar for happygeek

The co-CEOs of BlackBerry developers Research In Motion, Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie, have accused Steve Jobs of unacceptable behaviour and Apple of avoiding responsibility for its design mistakes. "RIM's customers don't need to use a case for their BlackBerry smartphone to maintain proper connectivity" they say. Meanwhile Nokia insists …

Member Avatar for maydhyam
Member Avatar for diafol

On Blackberry, the bar at the bottom (MFF etc) doesn't show up. It's not available at a side nav either as far as I can see. Also the profile bit of each post appears below the post body as opposed to showing at the side. The last thing insn't a …

Member Avatar for happygeek

If you are expecting a nice shiny iPhone or BlackBerry as a gift this Xmas, your joy may be short lived if network crashes this week are anything to go by. Earlier this week Twitter users in the UK were reporting data network access as being down for close on …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for EddieC

The [url=http://www.blackberrydeveloperconference.com/overview]BlackBerry Developer Conference[/url] concluded yesterday, but not before Research in Motion had the chance to unveil enhancements to its [url=http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/]BlackBerry Application Platform[/url], which now supports [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenGL_ES]OpenGL ES[/url], a subset of the desktop graphics API specification for embedded systems. Useful for development of 3D games development and other graphics, it's …

Member Avatar for JeffBach
Member Avatar for EddieC

You don't have to have lived in Haight-Ashbury in the Sixties to achieve self-awareness in San Francisco. BlackBerry developers are gathered in the city this week for the annual [url=http://www.blackberrydeveloperconference.com/overview]BlackBerry Developer Conference[/url], taking place now through Thursday. Among the top stories is a new service platform from Research in Motion …


The End.