193 Topics

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As with any online service that starts to get popular traction and experiences rapid growth, social network come micro-blog platform Tumblr has been the target of just about every kind of scam and attempted cyber-criminal subversion out there [inclduing some of its own making](http://www.daniweb.com/internet-marketing/social-media-and-communities/news/459258/tumblr-warns-users-to-change-password-after-security-mess). Most of the time it's not …

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I don't usually write about acquisitions and all that financial stuff, but news that PayPal has acquired CyActive caught my eye as apparently this brings the promise of 'bio-inspired predictive security' into the online payments provider threat protection mix. Which made me think, just what the heck is bio-inspired predictive …

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An increasing number of my acquaintances seem to be in the habit of buying cheap Android smartphones when in China on business and, increasingly, from online auction sites. More often than not these will be clones of flagship models but without the flagship price tag; however, cheap is not always …

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Google has been quick to blacklist domains implicated, most often unwittingly, in the distribution of what has become known as the SoakSoak malware campaign courtesy of soaksoak.ru being the first domain in the redirection path it used. With 11,000 domains blocked over the weekend, you might be forgiven for thinking …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Ever wondered why the bad guys continue throwing malware in your direction? The obvious answer is the correct one: because they make money from doing it. On Thanksgiving Day, as all others across the year it would seem, they can be thankful for the high profit to be raked in …

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More often than not I'll be writing about the security problems facing Windows XP users, such as when I recently reported how a large number of enterprises are still running XP SP2 machines which will shortly [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story287954.html"]stop being supported by Microsoft[/URL] in terms of security updates, hotfixes and the like. …

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Some interesting [research](http://www.proofpoint.com/threatinsight/posts/phishing-in-europe.php) from security outfit Proofpoint was published this morning which reveals that unsolicited email heading towards users in the UK is three times more likely to contain malicious URLs than that destined for users in the United States, or Germany, or France for that matter. It's not, as …

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Goodwill Industries International, a network of 165 community-based agencies in North America, has been breached. This follows a previous announcement of a potential attack back in July. After an extensive forensic investigation lasting a month, Goodwill has now [confirmed](http://www.goodwill.org/press-releases/goodwill-provides-update-on-data-security-issue/) that "a third-party vendor’s systems" were indeed "attacked by malware, enabling …

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Hardly a week goes by without yet another press release hitting the desk of your technology journalist, or research flag being raised amongst the IT Security profession, that claims Android is insecure. What Android actually is, just like Windows on the desktop in fact, is a big and attractive target; …

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Hello What methods can I use to detect malicious PHP/Javascript within the pages of my websites in the case they are infected ?

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Android-driven devices, including smartphones and tablets manufactured by the likes of Asus, LG, Motorola and Samsung, are being sold with pre-installed malware according to claims made by the CTO and Founder of Marble Security. David Jevans made the claim following complaints from a potential client that a mobile security platform …

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It has been [officially confirmed](http://php.net/archive/2013.php#id2013-10-24-2) that the php.net website of the open-source PHP programming language has been hacked and infected with malware. The successful breach of the site came to light yesterday morning when the Google Safe Browsing service started flagging php.net as serving up malicious scripts. This was, at …

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Member Avatar for Ekundayo

Hi! I'm usually on Firefox, windows 7 64 bit, fujitsu lifebook, run adblocker on FF and I get these weird tabs that just open right in front of my eyes sometimes that say "hope", "patience" etc. and have a kind of colored border, nothing on the tab, just the tab …

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As a gamer myself, I thought that last year was a pretty good one. After all, not only did I get to play both GTA V and Call of Duty: Ghosts (indeed, I'm still playing it and working my may through the prestige levels) but if I had enough spare …

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According to a [report](http://www.fireeye.com/resources/pdfs/fireeye-operation-ke3chang.pdf) from researchers at US security outfit FireEye, a number of computers belonging to diplomats attending the G20 summit in Russia three months ago, including at least five European foreign ministries, were successfully targeted by Chinese hackers. FireEye researchers had monitored a server, one of 23, used …

Member Avatar for aeaism

**Hi, I have some unknown malware on my computer. When browsing online, constant annoying popups and ads come up, my homepage is constantly changed to aol for some reason, and I absolutely can't remove it. I've tried MBAM (latest one included, totally clean), AVAST, AVG, Lavasoft adaware, spybot, etc etc …

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Users of online banking services are at risk from a new 'in the wild' Trojan, Hesperbot, which has been discovered by the ESET malware research lab. Researchers have found that infections of users in Turkey are currently most rife, with users in the Czech Republic, Portugal, Thailand and the United …

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A successful tournament poker player from Japan, with earnings estimated at $1.5 million from his prowess at bluffing and holding his nerve under pressure, has been arrested and charged with being behind an Android malware distribution operation that netted even more: $3.9 million according to Symantec. The Chiba Prefectural Police …

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Obviously I have a virus, I also have a lot of pop ups every minute saying my antivirus software alert needs to be ran and my computer infected, they are without a doubt fake. So then it has a Windows security alert pop up on the task bar saying I …

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Member Avatar for Its.Obi

Hi Fellows, Actually my PC is infected by virus. I downloaded and updated MBAM and performed quick scan (more then few times) and keep getting "6" detections which seems MBAM is not able to remove them (even after restarting on completion of scan every time). I also tried "CCLEANER" "SUPERSPY …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]22213[/ATTACH]You may not be a big fan of Microsoft, but you wouldn't expect your computer to be held to ransom by the company would you? In recent months it has become quite commonplace, at least across Europe, for scammers posing as Microsoft technical support staff to 'cold call' people on …

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With no actual Halloween-based security threats to report, it looks like the security vendors have had no choice but to start reporting scary stuff that might happen to your data instead. While I have no qualms about genuine warnings to 'be careful out there' this Halloween, a little reminder about …

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According to a press release that arrived today, entitled "Kaspersky Lab identifies first targeted attack utilising malware for Android devices", it marks the "first serious wave of targeted attacks using Android malware" but just how worrying is that really? ![ad9c332c555679ef709b67f0c7093e73](/attachments/large/0/ad9c332c555679ef709b67f0c7093e73.jpg "ad9c332c555679ef709b67f0c7093e73") The PR company sending the release were at pains …

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At the risk of being somewhat obsessed by hitmen after [one recent news story](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/viruses-spyware-and-other-nasties/news/441025/dont-be-fooled-by-the-fake-hitman-scam) here at DaniWeb, I'm running another. This time though, it's cybercriminals and hackers who would hold your computer and data to ransom that are the target of a contract killer. The killer in question being the …

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You might not have heard about Dirt Jumper yet, but the bad guys have. In fact, the high-risk and highly-effective DDoS toolkit is probably the most aggressive of the malware tools being employed by DDoS attackers at the moment, and the situation is set to get much worse very quickly …

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The latest VIPRE report, detailing the ten most prevalent malware threat detections spotted by [GFI Labs](http://malwareprotectioncenter.com/) and the ThreatNet Detection System, reveals that Google, LinkedIn, Skype and Mass Effect 3 were amongst the big brands being exploited by cybercriminals in order to leverage trust whilst distributing malware-laden emails. As a …

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China may be odds-on to top the medal table at the London 2012 Olympic Games, with less than a week to go, but according to a new report South Korea has the Chinese well and truly beaten as far as malware infected PCs are concerned. And unlike at the Olympic …

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With the London 2012 Olympics due to open in just a few days time, the expected push by the bad guys has started. No, I don't mean the banning of wearing Pepsi T-Shirts in the Olympic Stadium as it might upset official sponsors Coke, or the fact that nobody is …

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An ongoing attack aimed at users of the Apple Mac platform is being reported by security researchers. [AlienVault,](http://www.alienvault.com) which has discovered these weaponised attacks in the wild, warns that regular Mac users without IT security software installed could be at risk of infection and hijacking. ![alien](/attachments/small/0/alien.jpg "align-right") The researchers suspect …

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It's not unusual for a government IT department to warn its users about downloading malware onto their government-issued computers. It's more unusual, though, for the source of the malware to be the ads on the website of the newspaper of record. In July, the cyber security coordinators in the state …

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The End.