146 Topics

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Member Avatar for Onion13

So I had to get a new hard drive for my laptop and when I installed visual studios 2022 I noticed that Data Sources was missing everything. I took a screen shot to perhaps explain it better to you guys. I've tried looking online how to restore it and can't …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for talhacharagh

I was trying to make an app On Android Studio. During the making of the app on Android studio, it gives an error. The error was about the Gradle bundle failing. I neglected this error while creating. I thought this might be due to the slow process and net speed. …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
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This is using C# coded using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Professional I have an XML file used as a configuration in my program that I am coding. The executable reads and writes to the XML file. So I would naturally like to have an automatic process where the XML file …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
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How do I set a system-wide _ifdef? This is using Microsoft Visual Stuedio version 2019 with C#. If I want to add specialized code to a project shared by multiple software developers that is designed for my selfish tests and evaluation, how do I manage a # definition inside the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I'm using Visual Studio 2017. After installing Productivity Power Tools 2017/2019 extension, I can't use the copy operation. The first time I try to copy a line or block of code after installing the extension, Visual Studio generates an error saying: > "Type library exporter encountered an error while processing …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
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In a C# solution, how do I add an .EXE project to a solution of DLL project's? This is using Microsoft Visual Studio Professional. I have been handed a solution file which contains three projects. But all three projects generate DLL files. It is kind of unique because I have …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
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This is on a Windows 10 computer. I have successfully completed setting up IIS and system settings for running a web page written in Classic ASP. I can launch it from my IIS manager and it comes up in my default browser. iis: Enable Client-side debugging: true Enable Server-side debugging: …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jakub.peciak

I neet to build an vb.net app to comunicate to specific Windows app COM object by sending the XML request and then collect the XML response but I have no idea how to do it. Can anyone guide me how to do it? Here is the COM spec: **IPixPosTrans** is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I’m working with Visual Studio 2017 and Bootstrap 4.5.0. Under a master page, I have a Payment page that contains a txtName textbox, a txtPin textbox and btnPay button. To this, I want to add a DateTimePicker. When btnPay is clicked, values of txtName, txtPin and DateTimePicker should be saved …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

## Basic workflow of my page ## [Image of Payment page](https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ava3iL9se3C3gTF_XJ_RiBBsWDHs) I have a payment page that has a name textbox (txtName), a PIN textbox (txtPin) and two textboxes (txtPaymentDate and txtPaymentTime) containing payment date and time respectively. The page also has a payment button (btnPay). txtName has a RequiredFieldValidator …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for lendeaton

I have downloaded visual studio 19 and need advise on tutorial for beginers. I tried one tutorial and I think it was made for an older version of the program since it said things woul look a certain way but they did not.

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for JModak

How can I get internal HDD_DETLAIS = SerialNumber, Model, Manufacturer,TotalHeads ...... etc. Please help me.. Now my problem is my code run ok, but when I insert external HDD or pen drive then showing the last counting device Details please help .... i want to show only internal HHD device …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for spades0001

Greetings, I'm kinda new to ASP.NET so I'm unsure as to how to proceed with accomplishing this task. I have a webpage that contains a GridView and controls associated to that such as Add, Issue Equipment, Edit, Delete. What I'm trying to do is when I click on a cell …

Member Avatar for SeanDevoy
Member Avatar for JModak

Sir. I create a project in vb.net 2010 sql server 2008r2 and crystal report 13. i use this code for showing the report. Public Sub PrintSaleRInvoice() Dim PrintSale As New DataSet objsale.saleinvid = txtSaleInvid.Text PrintSale = objsale.PrintSaleInvoice() ' Procedure name PrintSale.Tables(0).TableName = "DataTable1" Dim rpt As New SaleInv rpt.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for naazsayed

Hi, i am trying to build Employee Attendance system and was successful in assigning TAGS to employees.now i want to calculate in/out timings of employees and which TAG swapped His/Her TAG without displaying any data to end user. i had tried basic sql query but seems to be not working. …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for naazsayed

HI , There are TWO Excel Files in my Program which I am trying to upload to a FTP server and then later Download it and its getting uploaded and downloaded with no error but when i try to open the file i get error message its corrupted or not …

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Member Avatar for DS9596

After you open files (like 7 or 8) on email and download to visual studio, how come it won't let you debug right there? Do I have to save all those files, one at a time and then will it let me debug?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for zachattack05

I've asked this on SO *AND* Reddit without so much as a peep...was hoping DW would turn up the answer! I have an ascx user control that has a custom event added to it. I can get the event to work without problem, but the event doesn't show up in …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Suzie999

I have many checkboxes on my form, I decided to create a custom checkbox to use instead. I thought I could just change the following two lines of code in Mainform.designer.cs... `private System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox chkapp;` to `private CustCheckBox chkapp;` and `this.chkapp = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox();` to `this.chkapp = new CustCheckBox();` And I …

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for Suzie999

I have a windows form application, which uses some user settings (Settings.settings) One of those settings if of type bool and set to default of False. In my form_load event I check that value, if it is true then a new form is started where user enters a password, and …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for catastrophe2

hello so we are in the process of developing a tagging program, and im building the form in c#. now how would we be able to connect the db from workbench with this form in visual studio to make queries in the program? btw the databse i hosted it at …

Member Avatar for overwraith

I recently lost a job, pretty much because my previous employer expected miracles from an entry level coder. I was tasked with reading years worth of code developed in a sloppy manner (by another coder) in a production environment where I quite literally could not debug without disrupting somebody. There …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello I have a VB.NET project (using Visual Studio 2015 Pro) currently found on my PC, and would like to make it shared across my LAN with others so that they can pull a copy on their own PC and work on it, and push their changes to the project, …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for gcardonav

Hi Guys, At my work I been provided a QAAWS that will provide me with certain. For privacy reason I cannot give you the actual QAAWS but it is simila to [this one](https://liveoffice.etosoftware.com/dswsbobje/qaawsservices/biws?WSDL=1&cuid=Afg7hriNfChBslO9TDgBqLc). I know how to create a web service and pulled the data using my own SQl queries …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

People who know me know that Python has always been one of my favorite languages. And over the years, I've been pleased with the array of development tools that have been created for it, including the different IDEs. I also do a lot of work in .NET, primarily with C#. …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for humorousone

I've got a program with (you guessed it) a .properties file. I've saved new values for properties while running the program through visual studio's debugging system. The changed properties are persistent when running the program (they appear in text boxes, as per my code), but when I view the settings …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

Every year or so for the past couple of decades I've seen new products appear that claim to let you create software without having to know how to code. And every time the next one comes out, I roll my eyes, because they always fail to deliver as promised. Usually …

Member Avatar for Jerry_10
Member Avatar for EddieC

Microsoft this week acquired [url=http://www.teamprise.com/]Teamprise[/url], a division of [url=http://www.sourcegear.com/]SourceGear[/url] that built tools to give developers access to Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server from systems running Linux, Mac OS X and Unix.SourceGear's flagship [url=http://www.sourcegear.com/sos/]SourceOffSite[/url] provides remote access to Visual SouceSafe, Microsoft's version control system. Teamprise comes in [url=http://www.teamprise.com/products/download/]three forms[/url]. The …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for sergio_pb

I creating an application in visual studio where I have a client to request specific information to multiple servers. Someone Knows i can make this communication? For one server i know to create that, for many servers i dont have idea. Code example!!! One client for many servers! For one …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

I believe everyone heard the news from November the 11th-"Opening up Visual Studio and .NET to Every Developer, Any Application: .NET Server Core open source and cross platform, Visual Studio Community 2013 and preview of Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 2015". Maybe some people will disagree but I think that …

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The End.