I am looking for something similiar to dedicated hosting. I plan on my database and web server being shared, but i need an application to run as an import every 10 min and haven't found on hosting providers that will offer this without an expensive dedicated hosting plan.
Also to add this is a .net application, so I need a windows server.

Anyone have any recommendations?

Thanks in advance

Actually in shared servers specially linux/unix servers do offer cron job application to import,update,insert, delete every 10 minutes or any time interval you want.


thanks for the reply, i know i a lot offer cron jobs, i need one that will offer a complete .net environment (non mono) to be able to run an import application with

thanks for the reply, i know i a lot offer cron jobs, i need one that will offer a complete .net environment (non mono) to be able to run an import application with

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