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Member Avatar for Liam_12

Am at an intermediate level in python and tkinter, and have been trying to figure out how to get the code below into some kind of workable form I can understand. What I want to do is, like, if I typed something into the bottom frame, then I'd like to …

Programming python
Member Avatar for Husoski
Member Avatar for Mohamed_144
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Aurora51x

|Visual Studio C# Windows Form Application| I'm trying to load and save multiple comboboxes selections to a XML file or file to a specific location using diolog box to know where to save and load. Any help will be appreciated.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for zattat

import threading,time,sys try: import requests except: print("Please install requests module!") sys.exit() path=input("File (example: file.m3u) => ") out=path+"_out.txt" try: with open(path, 'r') as file_in: lines = file_in.read().splitlines() except: print("File error or not found!") file_out=open(out, "w") #print(str(lines)) all = len(lines) print(all) worked=0 print("Scanning {} lists... Worked will write in {}".format(all,out)) time.sleep(5) def …

Programming python vb.net
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Udara_1

I want connect microsoft sql server database using servername,username,password,port number and service name to asp.net api 2019. This code segment I'm using SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"server=10.d.13.2q0; database=sdssdsd; Integrated Security=False; User ID=lmgdgdfdfddgs; Password=sdsdsdsds"); please help me. what is the correct code

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jean_19

for(#iterations) solve non linear solution get new flux klinkages solve LD and Lq solve new Id and Iq if (abs(Id_new - Id_old) < 0.01) break else put in the new Id_new and Iq_new

Programming python
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ed_279

I run the bridge game on a Monday evening and just recently I brought in a card dealer so the computer can select the cards and deal them into 4 hands. 20 sets of these hands and we can play for the evening. My problem is putting the dealt card …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for NotAceGG

#include<graphics> main() { int gd=0,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,""); circle(100,80,20); closegraph(); } Error:fatal error: graphics: No such file or directory

Programming c
Member Avatar for Husoski
Member Avatar for Harvey_4

Hi, i wanted to see if someone can help me, im new on this so i dont understand very good, any way, im trying to make a pic that show de characters that recive by bluetooth, to do that im using UART and a LCD, if someone can help with …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for NotAceGG

class Complex { private: int a,b; public: set_data(int,int); show_data() { std:: cout<<"\na="<<a<<"\n"<<"b="<<b; } }; Complex::set_data(int x,int y) { a=x;b=y; } main() { Complex c1; c1.set_data(3,4); c1.show_data(); } Error: error: 'cout' is not a member of 'std' I tired to slove this error but this is not slove

Programming c++
Member Avatar for Husoski
Member Avatar for codenut

Create an object in its own file called “LED.asm” that draws a RED Led in the middle of the BITMAP Display. Make the LED your own design, but make sure that it looks like an LED. Assumptions: The Bitmap Display will be stored in the Heap starting at Address 0x10040000. …

Programming assembly
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ed_279

I run the bridge game on a Monday evening and just recently I brought in a card dealer so the computer can select the cards and deal them into 4 hands. 20 sets of these hands and we can play for the evening. My problem is putting the dealt card …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

I have an array in python that has letters as strings and a comma as a string also. I have managed to find code that finds all the letters that come before that comma letter, there are other comma letters and i would like to iterate to list every letter …

Programming python
Member Avatar for Husoski
Member Avatar for komalgul
Member Avatar for zain_11

I am starting an online business with an American lady. I don't know anything other than her phone number. So want to verify her records.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey guys, here's the question I'm asked. **a.** *Define an enumeration type, triangleType, that has the values **scalene, isosceles, euilateral, and noTriangle**.* **b.** *Write a function, triangleShape, that takes as parameters three numbers, each of which represents the length of a side of the triangle. The function should return the …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for BWBama85

Hi, I have a small script that I wrote in jQuery and I would like to convert it to vanilla javascript so I can ditch jQuery for pages that use this script. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(document).on('click', '.wpstp_button_follow', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl+"?action=wpstp_follow", data: $('#wpstp_form').serialize(), dataType: "text", success: function(response) …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Sarahle

For example: Http:localhost:8080/api/customer/{id} If I post in postman instead of Id a parameter it will work fine , But in html I’m asking the user for an input and than I want to pass the input in the path instead of the Id Is it possible ? Only spring boot …

Member Avatar for Sarahle
Member Avatar for Charlotte_4

Hey i'm trying to change the image without the id. We can't change html so i can't use an id. I have this: <figure> <img src="images/start.png" alt="start"> <figcaption>Nog geen thema gekozen</figcaption> </figure> And in my script: document.querySelector('src') = "images/mode.png"; I don't know how to select it and change it.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Andrew_77

Would you mind if I troubled you for some help? I’m working on an NDA’ed project and we’ve been asked to try and address a problem which is currently causing some pain. Imagine there was a merger between two blue-chip communications/media companies, and Company A was offering discounted deals to …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for HitNSplit

Good day! I am new in vb.net and I want to detect if there is a duplicate of the record that a user will try to add. If the user adds an existing username from the database then it will show an error that the username has already been used. …

Programming mssql vb.net
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for foumzeur

Hi, I'm facing a problem: I've to make an undo/redo using Command's design pattern. I've succed to make one, but when I want to use my undo/redo btn in an other view, it gives me an NullPointerException. Does anyone can help me? Here's the code of the 2 view's First …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Cyril1

I have two different files, fileA contains employee data (ID and townCode) while file B contains field office data (OfficeID, Town, TownCode, officeCapacity) and a town can contain more than one office. i want to distribute these employees to the offices in the town against their names evenly What I …

Member Avatar for Paul Norris
Member Avatar for Anant_3

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #define WORDS 10 #define WORDLEN 40 #define CHANCE 6 bool srand_called = false; int xrand(int x){ if (!srand_called) { srand(time(NULL) << 10); srand_called = true; } return rand() % x; } char* decode(char* code){ int x = ((strlen(code) - 3) …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Kayra

#include <stdio.h> int main() ( float height, weight, bmi printf("Enter height in meter\n"); scanf("%f", &height); printf("Enter weight in kg\n"); scanf("%f", &weight); bmi = weight / (height * height); printf("Your BMI is %f\n", bmi); if(bmi < 15) ( printf("Your BMI category is: Starvation\n"); ) else if(bmi >= 15.1 && bmi <= …

Programming c c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Maulana_1

#include<stdio.h> main() { int A[9]={6,3,1,5,7,4,2,8,9}; int Temp, I, J, K; printf("sebelum \n"); for(I=0; I<=9-1; I++) { printf(" %d ", A[I]); } for(K=0; K <= 9; K++) { J = K; for (I=K+1; I<=9-1; I++) { if (A[I] < A[J]) J = I; } Temp = A[J]; A[J] = A[K]; A[K] …

Programming c c++ java javascript php
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Haneen_1

Please can anybody help me? I'm a beginner . I need to write a c++ program that does the following : 1. Ask the user to enter two text file , the the first one contains a list of words in one column Regardless of their number , second one …

Programming c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for rhea_6

package student; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); StudentA stud1 = new StudentA(); System.out.print("Please Enter Student Name:"); stud1.Name = scan.next(); System.out.print("Please Enter Student ID:"); stud1.StudentID = scan.next(); System.out.print("Please Enter Course:"); stud1.Course = scan.next(); System.out.print("Please Enter Student Section:"); stud1.Section = …

Member Avatar for Paul Norris
Member Avatar for هات

I have a site that I follow frequently The problem is that it refreshes the page every five minutes And I never want this. Here, an addition to the Firefox browser named "stop auto reload" When you put the name of this site, it prevents it from updating every five …

Programming java javascript
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ravi_76

The End.