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Member Avatar for gianrocks

hey everyone, i am to create a database filled with pdf files and its stored into binary. i was able to convert each file into binary but the problem is dat now i cant display it in the viewer.. can someone help me? i remember that i used to do …

Software Development binary pdf vb.net
Member Avatar for Owais_4
Member Avatar for M.S.A 

Hi all .. I've been doing my coursework .. I have done 30% of it .. but I've met problem since the day before yesterday .. I've tried to solve it but I couldn't .. I've been requested to write programme that promote the user to enter a file name …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Gergely_1
Member Avatar for KINYUA_1

I am trying to get information on when was the last date a file was modified in java. I have the date in long format. I dont know why the long object is showing the year to be 1970.Below is my code File mypath=new File(my_global_folder+"/"+mydata.getItemAtPosition(position)); long time=mypath.lastModified(); //When i try …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for <iostream>

guys sorry about my post earlier . this is what i did with my program but i dont think my equation is correct because whenever i want to get the total amount due it always give the wrong amount . i dont thinks this equation is correct "amount=amount+price*quant;" guys i …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Amiira ahmet
Member Avatar for stayfierce

I having been trying to change the font size and textposition of a textfield but I have not had any luck. I am trying to change the font size of a text field. I would like the font that is typed in the text field to be bigger and bolded. …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for julianksb
Member Avatar for gh.fuz

Develop a java program for a grading system tha satisfies the ff requirement:\ 1. for passing an exam, a student must pass by a score of 30 or more and assessment of 20 or more to be issued a certificate 2. if a student score a total grade of 49 …

Software Development grade java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Onion13

Tryng to work on a program to make a menu on form1. What it will do is display the different things offered at the restaurant and the text will scrolll from the bottom of the screen to the top and then repeat. I was able to figure out how to …

Software Development c#
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for 1427_Sharupya

help me asp..... In this assignment you have to write functions (in python) that applies various preprocessing techniques which are popular in Natural Language Processing (NLP). For this purpose, you are supplied with a Text Dataset (“corona_data\test_small.tsv”) and you have to process that dataset using the following techniques: 1. Tokenization …

Software Development python
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for runi

I have a logfile like this, and I need to extract filenames. For File 1 of 209 - Need to extract **"01021997_0011708_ENDTREQ_111114.ica"** from the line "Src info : D:\Test\ica\01021997_0011708_ENDTREQ_111114.ica" where it has "Save : Can't save file! Error code = BADI (Bad image file)" File 2 of 209 - Need …

Software Development java windows
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Cort3z

Hi. I have a little problem with my code. I want to cast a complete arrayList to a different type, but java wont let me... Here is a compressed version of what is happening: [CODE] //The interface I use. public abstract interface Drawable{ //some methods } //A class that is …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for damiennorris

Hello, I hope someone can help because I am really confused :( I have some code that I am ruining on an Arduino to start a race - Take your marks, Get set, Go - type of thing and some LED's that act in a very similar way to the …

Software Development
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Peter.W

I run Python 3.x on a Windows 10 laptop and I have a daily routine that involves opening three Python scripts in succession, and running them all concurrently, each one in its own, separate instance of Idle. I have been wondering whether I could automate the entire process. I imagine …

Software Development python windows
Member Avatar for Peter.W
Member Avatar for @jassmine97

hello, i barely know how to use python and i need to write a cubic spline interpolation code in python for my programming assignment . I have C++ code but i know nothing about c++ so can someone help me to convert that code to python code? this is a …

Software Development c++ python
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I'd like to know how the following programme on pointer written in C can be written in C#, especially how to use the keywords in the C programme like &i and \*p in C#. Please clarify. #include <stdio.h> void f(int *p, int *q) { p = q; *p = 2; …

Software Development c c# c++ pointer
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Nymphalys08

Hi Experts, I have a question. I have an object and want to insert in a text file. Before inserting, I want to check if it is duplicate. If no duplicate is found, I will insert the object. If yes, will not insert an object? Do I need a collection …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for vegaseat

For those who are afraid of lycanthropes and full moons, here is a way to figure out the phase of the moon.

Software Development date light moon python status
Member Avatar for Sichen
Member Avatar for oggiemc

Can someone please tell me how to send data from my program to excel. I have a loop which is iteratively printing values to the console: [code=c]printf("16 Bit:\n\n"); for (n=0;n<numberOfValues;n++){ printf("%.4x\n",rand16()); }[/code] but i need to send them to excel for analysis!! Please help

Software Development c
Member Avatar for Mohd Iszamir
Member Avatar for AmerJamil

i have a question that. is it not possible that main do not return any value, and the returning value of main is void, why returning value of main should always be int, when we write [code] void main() { } [/code] mostly people here on DANIWEB ask to write …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for EricStens
Member Avatar for Deadshot_1

Write a program that asks the user to guess the next roll of a six sided die. Each guess costs $ 1. If they guess correctly, they get $ 10.00. The player will start out with a $10.00 bank. Each time he (or she) guesses incorrectly you will subtract $1.00 …

Software Development assembly
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for shiv.manoj23

I have a very little approach with coding in C# in asp.net please help converting this python code into c#. # Python example - Fourier transform using numpy.fft method import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plotter # How many time points are needed i,e., Sampling Frequency samplingFrequency = 100; …

Software Development asp.net python
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hi! I have been developing and distributing Standalone Java Products in my local market for 4 years. My products include, POS Softwares for Retail and whole Sale Businesses and for Food Businesses such as Restaurants and cafes. I use Apache Derby Database which is also known as 'JavaDB' as database …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Saboor880
Member Avatar for Damien_6

Hello, I hope someone can help because I am really confused :( I have some code that I am ruuning on an Arduino to start a race - Take your marks, Get set, Go - type of thing and some LED's that act in a very similar way to the …

Software Development
Member Avatar for Rahul_111
Member Avatar for Deadshot_1

INCLUDE asmLib.inc .data Bank DWORD 10 rNum DWORD ? welcomeMsg BYTE "Welcome to the dice guess game. it costs $1.00 to play. " , 0dh, 0ah, 0 contMsg BYTE "Would you like to continue? (y/n)", 0dh, 0ah, 0 prompt1 BYTE "Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only …

Software Development assembly
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Nymphalys08

Hi, I would like to ask regarding File Handling in Java. I am creating a program for my school project and we should use file handling only (.txt) not database. When I add a product (with product code, product name, price, etc), I want to save it in a file. …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ding_1

Dear friends: I need to develop a numerical computation software with a GUI interface like the attachment. I have tried tkinter package, but it seems that it can not resolve this mission. Could you please give me some suggestions about which package should i use to obtain this goal. Regards …

Software Development
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for pags920

My assignment in my class is to create a palindrome program for any given string. The main function is supposed to call an integer function named InputString that reads the characters of length n and it needs to determine if its a non-zero length. If this is so, another function …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for gravity_1
Member Avatar for dearbhla_mcd

I have a form with dropdowns. Based on that form input you should be able to view the details of multiple employee's in another JSP. I cannot get this to work and when testing, the arraylist employeesList size returns zero. My code is below - can anyone see where I …

Software Development database java
Member Avatar for HKold
Member Avatar for rex_2

I'm trying to convert a Java code into Python. I could adapt most of the code, however, it is difficult to me to link all the functions. The java code is used in Weka. I would like a stand-alone python code. The algorithm in the code is presented in this …

Software Development java python
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for joshi1984

hi, I got a string and it look like : "test : this is a test. for me." How can I remove the first charakters? At this example I want to remove the characters "test : ". How can I do this? I know how to delete from the end, …

Software Development visual-basic-6
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I'm looking for a .NET tool/component I can use in WinForms that works like [mermaid](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/) but does not require a browser component. Something that generates an image is preferred.

Software Development .net-4.0 winforms
Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.