Hi guyz,
Why IoT is the future of mobile app development?
Form your perspective


IoT is the future of mobile app development due to its transformative impact on how we interact with technology. IoT enables seamless connectivity and data exchange between various devices, creating a cohesive ecosystem. Mobile apps serve as the gateway to access and control these connected devices, providing users with convenience, efficiency, and personalized experiences. The increasing adoption of IoT in various industries, such as healthcare, smart homes, and industrial automation, underscores its immense potential. As IoT continues to evolve, mobile app developers must embrace this trend to create innovative solutions that cater to the growing demand for smart and interconnected experiences. Embracing IoT in mobile app development opens up a world of possibilities and holds the key to shaping the future of technology.


providing users with convenience, efficiency, and personalized experiences

Unfortunately, also without providing security and privacy.

I don't think the Internet of Things stands alone.
The integration of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology is the core technology in the future development process, which can greatly promote the development of the Internet of things, thereby bringing about the integration of data, intelligence, security and the overall improvement of service quality. In the future, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology will continue to grow and become a new opportunity for the development of the digital world.

Our manner of living and working is changing as a result of the Internet of Things (IoT), a fast-expanding industry. IoT devices are becoming more widespread and are being utilized in a number of ways to collect data and control devices. IoT is positioned to be the future of mobile app development as it is creating new opportunities for this industry.

IoT is the future of mobile app development for a number of reasons, including the following:

IoT devices are becoming more widespread. The number of IoT devices currently in use worldwide is in the billions, and in the years to come, this number is predicted to increase dramatically. This indicates that the demand for mobile applications that can communicate with IoT devices is expanding.

IoT hardware can gather data. IoT gadgets may gather information about the surroundings, people, and items. The performance of mobile apps may be enhanced, user experiences can be more tailored, and decision-making is improved with the use of this data.

Other devices can be managed by IoT devices. Lights, appliances, and thermostats are just a few of the things that IoT devices can be used to control. This can be utilized to automate processes, increase effectiveness, and simplify our lives.

IoT mobile apps that are already in use include the following:

Smart home apps: apps that enable users to manage their house gadgets and appliances from their smartphones.
Fitness trackers: These applications monitor a user's heart rate and activity level.
Wearable devices: devices that collect data about the user's health and the environment.
Apps for transportation: These apps offer data on traffic conditions and public transit.

These are just a few of the many IoT smartphone apps that are now offered. Future IoT mobile apps are likely to be even more cutting-edge and practical as IoT technology advances.


IoT is revolutionizing mobile app development by creating seamless connections between devices. These apps serve as gateways to control connected devices, offering personalized experiences. Industries like healthcare and smart homes embrace IoT's potential. Developers must embrace this trend to craft innovative solutions for the demand for interconnected experiences. This integration holds the key to shaping technology's future.

Best regards,

My problem with IoT and mobile devices is that every device needs its own app, and every app has its own unique interface. And how many of those apps come with ads? I had a friend a few years back who had physical remote controls for

  1. TV
  2. Stereo
  3. CD Player
  4. Overhead fan
  5. Electric fireplace

and maybe one or two more I've forgotten. The coffee table was littered with remotes, and it was always a nuisance looking for a specific remote. Far easier to just walk across the room. At least in that case the interfaces were essentially the same - a few clearly labeled buttons (no scrolling necessary). Now you have to unlock your phone (swipe/scroll), locate the appropriate app (swipe/scroll), wait for it to connect (depends on the reliability of your Bluetooth and possible interference from your microwave oven and other devices), then navigate to the appropriate controls.

And this all depends on whether or not you have updates pending.

And, seriously, how many of our devices really need to be connected? Just because something is technologically possible does not mean it is preferable. In the 90s we had the "dot com" bubble. Adding ".com" to your company name gave it a big boost on the stock market. Then we got the same artificial bump by adding the magic word "blockchain". Now we have cryptocurrency and IoT. As long as our educational system keeps pumping out people incapable of critical thinking we will continue this trend.

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