I am integrating Speakatoo API in my project its giving me cookies error, Please any one can help me.

snehalm2022 commented: If you have problem in cookies handling and you are working with PHP then try this curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT +0

Is support not responding to your questions?

What errors are you getting?

commented: In postman, In response it showing csrf_cookie_name but I am trying to set in php-curl +0

I'm looking at the documentation here and it seems to be a very straightforward JSON-based API that has nothing to do with cookies. The csrf_cookie_name you're referring to has to do with using cookies for anti-CSRF protection. Can you please show us the full requests you're using with Postman? Where, exactly, is csrf_cookie_name showing up? It sounds like you're using some type of PHP framework that is using it.

If you have a problem in cookies handling and you are working with PHP then try these lines curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT,"");

Information is king rather than us guessing at what you are struggling with.

Looking at the documentation for your API, anything can go wrong by using cookies, which is by the way not the problem, it would seem that the problem lies with your creation of arrays and storage in your session or cookies. You need to show us what code you are using and where it errors out so we can give you proper answers.

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