224 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

Earlier today, I was in need of an easy way to delete files that mached a specific format within a series of folders. For the case of this example, let's say all CSS files. I discovered I could do it with: find . -name '*.css' -delete The . represents the …

Member Avatar for Sohaib_7
Member Avatar for Oxiegen

Let's say, for instance, that you posted an answer to a question. Only to realize a few seconds later that your answer is not correct. How do I delete that post, or do I just add a comment for the moderators, asking them to remove it for me?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jmace

Well, I've been learning Java and I managed to create an FTP client that uploads and downloads files from a server. Oddly, the thing I can't figure out is how to do an FTP delete. Can anyone help me on that? I don't want to use an API or someone …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, i'm using vb.net and i have connected a database to it. As per my interface i should add, delete,go back,go next and save my records. All the buttons work apart from delete. The problem is i do not know the codes for deleting a particular record during the run …

Member Avatar for anashidayat
Member Avatar for Lusiphur

As it seems to come up often enough I figured I'd throw together a quick snippet outlining basic methods for data manipulation in SQL Server using C#. In all examples the coder will need to substitute their own connection string details and variables. I utilised parameters for 3 of the …

Member Avatar for sarvesh_3
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hi, im using vb2010 with MS Access 2013. I have this form that displays ID values from database into a listbox And when an ID is clicked the details that correspond with that ID are displyed into textboxes. Screenshots : Forms : http://imgur.com/a/NrTTD Display details : http://imgur.com/a/twF7P The delete button …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for nikita.

Hi, i want to delete a column from a file. the file is like : 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0 if i want to remove any column the outout should be like ( suppose 4): 1|2|3|5|6|7|8|9|0 1|2|3|5|6|7|8|9|0 1|2|3|5|6|7|8|9|0 1|2|3|5|6|7|8|9|0 1|2|3|5|6|7|8|9|0 1|2|3|5|6|7|8|9|0 i have used swk command, but its not …

Member Avatar for Liam Huang
Member Avatar for vijiglad

This is the code to delete image in a folder... [CODE]<?php $path = "uploads"; if(isset($_POST['file']) && is_array($_POST['file'])) { foreach($_POST['file'] as $file) { unlink($path . "/" . $file) or die("Failed to <strong class='highlight'>delete</strong> file"); } header("location: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); //redirect after deleting files so the user can refresh without that resending …

Member Avatar for Sujeet_1
Member Avatar for SoMa_2

this code will display all courses user has <h1>YOUR COURSES</h1> <form action="delete.php" method="POST"><ol> <?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","FYP","123","FYP"); $sql= mysqli_query($con, "SELECT C_Code FROM F_COURSES WHERE F_ID=".$_SESSION['userid']); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){ echo "<li name='course'>".$row['C_Code']."<input type='submit' value='Delete'>";} ?></ol></form> I need when user click on delete button that course delete from F_courses <?php session_start(); if (! empty($_SESSION['logged_in'])) …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hi. I'm working on my own CMS, i want the script to echo 3 posts in every page, and want the script to echo from the recent post and back to the oldest post. I mean like this: For example there is totaly 30 posts; First page => posts 30-29-28 …

Member Avatar for Niloofar24
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello friends! I want the script when user clicks the Delete botton to delete that post, a confirm message appears and ask if the user is sure to delete that post or not, if the user clicks the cancel button, nothing happen but if clicks the ok button, then the …

Member Avatar for Niloofar24
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. There is an html table in admin page, with head columns (POST ID | POST TITLE | POST AUTHOR | ACTION). And in each row, will contain a post id, a post title, a post author that gets from database. And in the Action column, there is a "delete" …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I'm using the following code to read down to the third line of a text file. If it meets the criteria, I need to stop the read and then delete the file. However I'm finding it difficult to do this as everything I've tried has failed. Have you some …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello everybody! There is a problem with my db table. For example i send 6 posts (with title, author and content) to the db table one after an other, so their post's id would be 1-2-3-4-5-6. Then if i delete the post number 6 and then write a new post …

Member Avatar for DJBirdi
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hi everybody. What is the usage of `urljoin`? An example: >>> from urlparse import urljoin >>> url = urljoin('http://python.org/','about.html') >>> url 'http://python.org/about.html' I think the answer is that when we take a link from here `'http://www.python.org/` for example , it looks like this `<a href="/about/>about</a>`. So if i take the …

Member Avatar for Niloofar24
Member Avatar for larin83109

Hello all, my name is Marvin. I am working on obtaining my linux system administrator certificat. I created a file with a few sentences. The only task that I am having problems with is to delete word "and" using the vi last-line mode. I know hot do delet a word …

Member Avatar for larin83109
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. mylist = [6, '/', 3, '+', 9, '+', 8, '+', 1, '/', 2] How can i delete that list indexes? I tried: def clear(self, event): global numbers for i in numbers: print i del numbers[i] But it didn't work: File "./kivycal", line 83, in clear del numbers[i] TypeError: list …

Member Avatar for Niloofar24
Member Avatar for riwakawd

I have three files which when i click on delete should be removed. How am I able to use the unlink and realpath for my multiple files? public function delete() { $path_to_file = FCPATH . 'application/modules/admin/controllers/module' .'/'. $this->uri->segment(5).'.php'; $path_to_file_lang = FCPATH . 'application/modules/admin/language'.'/' .'english' .'/'. 'module/'. $this->uri->segment(5).'lang.php'; $path_to_file_view = FCPATH …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra

![2680a256fcbf10c900499c36825b3e55](/attachments/large/4/2680a256fcbf10c900499c36825b3e55.png "2680a256fcbf10c900499c36825b3e55") In the above model I have an Images table which holds all the filenames relevant to the image. I have two relationship tables (Image_Has_People and Image_Has_Event). Both of these tables have an FK ImageID linked to the Image table's PK idImage. I'm wondering, if I set both relationship …

Member Avatar for David_50
Member Avatar for sing1006

here is my code for delete Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this item?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Delete") = vbNo Then Else If Me.DataGridView1.Rows.Count > 0 Then If Me.DataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then Dim x As Integer = Me.DataGridView1.SelectedRows(0).Cells("FNo").Value …

Member Avatar for sing1006
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hi guys, so i have a table populated by event details from database and i use a checkbox to select which event to be deleted: echo "<tr> <td><input type='checkbox' name='check[]' class='check' value='$id'>$name</a></td><td>$formatDate</td> </tr>"; my delete function: <?php if(isset($_SESSION['sess_user_id'])) { if(isset($_POST['del_event']) && isset($_POST['check'])) { require "connection.php"; $userid = $_SESSION['sess_user_id']; foreach($_POST['check'] as …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for berserk

I need to add a check box on the end of each value in my html table that will be checked if the user would like to remove that value from the mysql database, my current cod elooks like this: <?php $con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "numbers") or die(mysqli_error($con)); // …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw How can I delete a registry key for other program, I just checked my registry and the virus was registered under the same registry key of my other program and now I want to use java as also part of learning java and the method of accessing and …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for nadiam

Im trying to delete from multiple tables using full outer join like this: $del_id = (int) $del_id DELETE contact, child, spouse FROM contact FULL OUTER JOIN child ON child_name = c_name FULL OUTER JOIN spouse ON s_name = name WHERE contact_id = $del_id I get warning/notice: unknown table contact in …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for nadiam

hey guys so im trying to delete a row using checkbox but i get an undefined index error = Notice: Undefined index: check in D:\Xampp\htdocs\EMS2\event.php . i think its because the checkbox is echoed(?)maybe? or is it something else that i overlooked? <tbody class="tbody-event-list-table2"> <?php require "connection.php"; $check = mysql_query("SELECT …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for burhanahmed92

I want to null or remove array at the end of each loop. I already tried unset() or $array=array(); but its not working foreach($array as $key=>$value){ $dates[$value][]= $key; unset($dates) } Just tell me php function to null all array

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for patk570

I have a code that i want to throw an error if there is no items to delete or if there is items it proceeds with deleting the items, here is what i have so far: if (isset($_REQUEST['removeall'])){ if($_REQUEST['removeall'] == 1){ mysqli_query($mysqli,"DELETE FROM assets WHERE cust_id = $custID AND del_flag …

Member Avatar for Fernando_4
Member Avatar for ZJRG.1997

I'm quite new to python and am trying to make a kind of 20Q thing, but am struggling - anybody know how to delete a list from a set, or if not a list from a list? Thanks :)

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for bjsaturn

I scanned my system with Malwarebytes today and located the directories of several viruses. I used NotePad++ to open the executable files and deleted all the code written therein and saved the change to the virus. I proceeded to delete the viruses with Malwarebytes; but, I wondered, had I left …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for fiddler80

Hello. I have a php script that will backup my databases and ftp them to another server. All works fine via a cron job - but the backups are piling up and I'd like to add some code to the script to delete all the old backups - and just …

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The End.