70 Topics

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An early Xmas present to myself arrived at Chez Moi last month in the shape of a rather thick credit card. It's not actually a credit card though, and while it's a chunky 6mm wide it is pretty smart truth be told. That's because it's a clinically validated cardiac diagnostic …

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Member Avatar for Micheal_9

Gaming work area is outstanding amongst other critical requirement for a gamer. When you sits before the work area for quite a while you should be however much agreeable as could be expected. There are som numerous choice of gaming work area that you can pick. Among them I list …

Member Avatar for happygeek

For the longest time, every pun intended, I was a smartwatch hater. How dumb is that, a stupid-expensive smartwatch that really does nothing much at all. I mean, what's the point of wearing a watch that tells you when there's an email on the phone that's in your pocket? Or, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Google Glass wearable computing 'enhanced reality' project got off the ground this week at the Google I/O Developers Conference in San Francisco earlier this week. Around 6,000 developers were present to see a demonstration of the futuristic technology which integrates a small video-display suspended from the arm of the …

Member Avatar for helenspencer
Member Avatar for happygeek

So you've got a tablet, be that an Android, iPad or Windows powered device. Maybe you've got a phablet or just a bog-standard smartphone. Whatever you have, the chances are that it will have a capacitive touch screen. Most people, however, won't have got a stylus. The reasons are straightforward …

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for happygeek

[attach=right]13756[/attach]Portable gizmos that claim to charge your cellphone or iPod on the move are two a penny these days. Solar powered portable charging gizmos are not such a common sight, it has to be said, especially if we are talking about ones that actually work. Which is why I was …

Member Avatar for expertmagician
Member Avatar for happygeek

So here it is, or will be by the end of the month, the world's first smartphone to use a 64-bit chip. Immediately I would suggest that you can forget about most of what was announced yesterday: ![dd1371f031db48fc9bf7389ae52caab5](/attachments/small/0/dd1371f031db48fc9bf7389ae52caab5.jpg "align-right") Forget the new colours that everyone is drooling over (gold? really? …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The PowerBank 2000 is the latest in a long line of solar-powered chargers from Sandberg. It's far from being the most powerful backup battery for your smartphone (and yes it will charge Droids as well as iPhones, but as I'm an iPhone user I can only talk about my experiences …

Member Avatar for Erling.Hoff.Petersen
Member Avatar for happygeek

It started as just another early morning at work, arriving at 5.30am outside the converted mill where I rent a small space in amongst the myriad industrial units and office lets. I pulled up outside in my Fiat 500 and removed my backpack that doubles up as my laptop case …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

Almost exactly a year ago I was writing about [the development of Google Glass](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/pc-hardware/monitors-displays-and-video-cards/news/426788/no-google-glass-for-most-developers-until-2014) here at DaniWeb. In the meantime, the project has turned into a reality and [actual product has got into the hands of reviewers](http://www.pcpro.co.uk/features/380401/before-iwatch-and-google-glass-wearable-computing-milestones-and-failures/2) and some lucky users with $1,500 to spare. This would all be much …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

![e776593293ae5ac1272905a2e76cd945](/attachments/small/0/e776593293ae5ac1272905a2e76cd945.jpg "align-right") This is the latest upgrade to the Camera Link product from Sandberg, making it compatible with the iPad 3 and iPad 4/Mini; but not at the same time. To get the iPad 4 compatibility rather obviously requires the Lightning connector equipped version, which costs the same as the …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The Internationale Funkausstellung is not a jazz-fusion music event. Nope, the [URL="http:// www.ifa-berlin.com"]IFA[/URL] is apparently the world’s largest consumer electronics show these days, and it runs until 6th September in Berlin. Once over the disappointment that the only music was Muzak-alike piped hell, the race was on to discover the …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

My name is Davey Winder, and I am a phoneaphobic. At first glance it would appear that I am anything but alone if the results of a recent study into attitudes towards mobile phone usage are to be believed. But first impressions are often misleading and that's the case here, …

Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Kensington Presentair isn't the smallest 'laser pointer' on the planet, measuring in at 60mm x 70mm x 210mm and weighing 25g. Nor is it the cheapest with that $69.99 price tag. However, most of all it isn't just a laser pointer and thinking of it in those terms is …

Member Avatar for RobotFX

Well, I'm still a noob when it comes to PHP (or anything), so I'll just give an example. If you go here: http://www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?synd=googlemodules&w=500&h=350&mid=0&url=http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/102166312438248764726/calendar-personalized.xml you'll see the XML gadget displaying nicely in the browser window. Of course, if you load only the gadget in the browser (http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/102166312438248764726/calendar-personalized.xml) the page will display …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for happygeek

It's not often that Microsoft recommends that Windows users should disable a much hyped part of the OS, but that's exactly what has happened regarding the Windows Sidebar and Windows Gadgets found in Windows Vista and Windows 7. [Microsoft Security Advisory 2719662](http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/advisory/2719662) clearly states "Disabling the Windows Sidebar and Gadgets …

Member Avatar for chiccosilva
Member Avatar for skp03

i want to design the Currency gadget .....that should work in all the operating system it should be something like installation application as shown in the above daigram so please help me out Thank you ![currency_converter](/attachments/small/3/currency_converter.png "align-right")

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for happygeek

My iPhone is always with me, and I will admit to having mild panic attacks if I misplace it around the office or house. Only once have I had cause to go into major panic mode though, and that was when I managed to leave my iPhone and my car …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

You might think that there's not much further for a high-end low budget home entertainment remote control unit to go than the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/home-theater-home-entertainment/reviews/324398"]One For All SmartControl that DaniWeb reviewed just over a year ago[/URL] now. However, One For All does not seem to agree as it has just launched the …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22424[/ATTACH]When it comes to robotic pets I still have my heart set on one day owning a Sony AIBO as I always wanted one when they arrived on the geek scene, but could never justify the cost. The Desk Pet TankBot is no AIBO; for a start it's a tank …

Member Avatar for happygeek

So you think you qualify for the epithet 'Number One Fan' when it comes to Angry Birds, do you? OK, you've completed the entire main game as well as the seasonal variations and done so with a full compliment of three star ratings. You've even unlocked all the hidden golden …

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Member Avatar for jmcgranahan

I have searched and search for a simple solution to my problem but alas, I have had no luck, so I am turning to this forum for assistance. If you are familiar with Google Gadgets and AJAX, then this question is for you. I am trying to create a Google …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Unless you have been living in a cave you cannot have failed to spot that the iPhone 4 is with us, 'don't hold it like that' antenna problems and all. But what about the iPod Touch 4? Traditionally, the new iPod is launched in September and the new feature set …

Member Avatar for sophieharris
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Swiftpoint Mouse is primarily designed with one purpose in mind, and that is to replace the touchpad on your laptop or netbook. Indeed, unlike any mouse I've ever used (and that includes the smallest of portable units) the Swiftpoint can be comfortably operated within the confines of the palmrest …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

It has been a long time coming, but the e-book reader had finally arrived. Oh, I appreciate that there have been many stabs at e-book hardware including the Nook and the efforts from Sony, not to mention the claims of iPad fans and Apple with that iBooks app and iTunes …

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Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

[ATTACH=right]16767[/ATTACH]In Google's apparent on-going quest to take over the entire (virtual) world, the latest rumors have the search giant making a major play for the tablet market on the biggest shopping day of the entire year. If rumors are true, on the one day a year when apparently normal people …

Member Avatar for happygeek

OK, so Apple has done it again. Whipped the technology and consumer media up into a feeding frenzy that is. But has it delivered with the truly magical and revolutionary product that was promised? Er, no dude, not by a long shot and here (in no particular order) are 15 …

Member Avatar for Junyah
Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

A lot of rumors began circulating about the possibility of a new Kindle on the horizon after the popular Kindle DX seemed to suddenly be sold out on Amazon's web site some time ago leading to the speculation that Amazon had a new version in the works. Wednesday those suspicions …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I love books. My house is full of bookshelves overflowing with them. I have countless cabinets stuffed with them and they pour off my wife's and my night stands. We have spent many a night in book stores just perusing the shelves, spying the new releases and I've discovered some …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Interesting that the US Department of Defense has banned thumb drives. The problem is that they can carry viruses and infect computers - and if your nation's defense depends on these systems (and by extension in the case of the US so does the defense of the rest of the …

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The End.