575 Topics

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Member Avatar for Paras_4
Member Avatar for Raviteja_1

Hello All I am want to run a command "Merge -i file1.txt -i file2.txt -o out.txt" using python script. Here Merge is a exe file located in different path and file1, file2 are input to the exe file and out is output file. Can anyone suggest me out to run …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for RJPII

I have been browsing the web for days now trying to find a solution to my problem and have yet to come up with anything so far so I figured I would ask some professionals. Basically I need to read a text file which contains records along the lines of: …

Member Avatar for Syed Umair Mohsin
Member Avatar for john10

Hey guys, I would like some help regarding saving or reading to or from a bin file. I've read several online tutorials about file input/output, however it doesn't given specific information when applying it to both an array of structures. My knowledge of pointers is weak, as I constantly need …

Member Avatar for jimmichaels29
Member Avatar for reevenz

Hi All, I am going to write a small inventory tracking app for a small company. What they need is only to keep track goods in, goods out, supplier, customer, and purchase price and sell price so we are able to calculate purchase price, sales price, and stock value. [LIST=1] …

Member Avatar for Shuvadeep
Member Avatar for Start4me

I've been looking tutorials and examples of setting the value field of a input tag. I'm trying to enter two IP addresses into the text fields on [this](https://www.ipaddressguide.com/cidr) website, under IP Range To CIDR. But my code won't enter anything. There's no ID tag, so I can't use the getElementById …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for Dani

I use `<input type="date">` and it works fine to bring up a date picker in Chrome and Firefox. However, it behaves as a normal textbox in Safari.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Kippstah

Hello, everybody. I was wondering if anybody could help me with something. I don't know if I'm taking things too fast but, I was wondering if somebody could help with this program I am making. I'm currently writing a "fake" bank script. Basically you start with a set amount of …

Member Avatar for balaji_8
Member Avatar for rfrapp

This problem is to print a square using a number that the user enters, which would be in the center. If the user entered a 5, then the program should output this: 111111111 122222221 123333321 123444321 123454321 123444321 123333321 122222221 111111111 If you're wondering, this was not a homework assignment. …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for pallen

I am trying out a function from a book for the first time. I could use some help. It goes: [CODE] function sanitizeString($var) { $var = stripslashes($var); $var = htmlentities($var); $var = strip_tags($var)' return $var; } [/CODE] I have two simple forms. One that asks for an email address and …

Member Avatar for owlowl076
Member Avatar for phphp

Sir I have these codes [PHP] <form name="form1" action="<?php $_PHP_SELF ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <p<Photo</p> <p><input type="file" name="file" id="file" value="<?php echo $myphoto; ?>"></p> <p><input type="submit" value="photo" name="save"></p> </form>[/PHP] and these are codes for submit button [PHP]if(isset($_POST['save'])) { if(isset($_FILES["file"])){ $myphoto=$_FILES["file"]["name"]; echo $myphoto; }else{ echo 'Error'; } } [/PHP] When I press save …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for inkcoder

Well if you were like me and Python is your first language. You are trying to learn programming and many people suggested that learn Python as a first language. You take their advice, your download Python and get all set up. Maybe you take a tutorial or two in order …

Member Avatar for Gabriel_9
Member Avatar for Nathan_6

Hi, I am working on a blackjack game as a person learning swift. Due to my need to learn the basics of swift before jumping into learning how the view controllers and other mobile-app specific details work, I am making this game in a playground. I wrote a function that …

Member Avatar for Nathan_6
Member Avatar for rhaylee

Hello! I am looking for some assistance with adding code to my program for handling non numeric data/user input, specifically letters. The program is coded in java. import java.util.*; public class AnArray { public static void main (String [] args) { // creates an array of interegers between 0 and …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for Nether_1

I'm creating a program that allows you to do a whole ton of stuff, basically just built to make my life a little easier on my pc. However, the idea I had was that I could have a form of 'settings bar' where I could edit the settings (duh) of …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Noobinator

Option explicit Dim WshShell Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") WshShell.Run "Batch_operation.bat" wshshell.XXXX "y" wshshell.XXXX "{ENTER}" What should I put in the "XXXX" to make the program enter "Y" and then move down a line ("{ENTER}")

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for sabbib

I want to use Tkinter funtion to create a a temperature calculator. I have all the code for the calculator, however using Tkinter function i cant figure out how to get the variable input by the users. I am new to python and programming, just started programming less then a …

Member Avatar for Judith_2
Member Avatar for mabdullah4

I want from program that it force the user to input valid value.When ever user enter caharcter in integer valriable it force the user to input the right value.But this does not work.If user input invalid value it start looping. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x; …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for ankit_21

this is my code $line = trim(fgets(STDIN)); echo $line; what browser shows: Warning: fgets() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in /storage/emulated/0/coding/mobilephp

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Kinda_1

Hi Iam a student , nd i have a home work Can any one help me !! Plz Write an asm 8086 language program that take 2 strings as input and computes the string distance between the 2 ,,, the string distance between 2 string os the sum of the …

Member Avatar for missyElle8

A program that will create a movie seat reservation. The program will display the summary seats and its status. The user will be ask what seat no. to be reserved, then it will go back again to the summary to display the updated seat status. If the seat no. is …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Centorpe

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this? App crashes if user input is left blank. I was hoping it would display toast and wait for input. EditText userWireInput = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.WireSizeInputET); String userWireData = userWireInput.getText().toString(); double userWire = Double.parseDouble(userWireData); if (userWire == 0) { Toast.makeText(ISOM_Int_Results.this, "ENTER WIRE SIZE", …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Sometimes you only want to enter numeric data in a textbox. You have two options here : Let a user type whatever he/she wants into a textbox, validate the input and show him or her an annoying message that he/she has done something wrong.:angry: Or: capture the key before input, …

Member Avatar for noface0711
Member Avatar for Nawti

Good Day Everyone please I am writing a Check In and Check Out program to display the date increase in day/month/year whenever I input a number. Eg. suppose I type 2days on the Check In Form I want the Check Out Form to display the days difference from the current …

Member Avatar for Nawti
Member Avatar for Angelito_1

how to comute the total value I input in textbox then after that I will going to add another value and the total of both sum will display in textbox for example num1 = Val(btn.Price) * num2 = Val(btn.Quantity) then total amount display the value of num1 is 60 then …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for chris21

hey guys just wanna ask how to display an image or call the values of the table. but i will input the values to the server im using Xampp as my localhost. i have my admin page yet. but i just wanna know how. thank you. :)

Member Avatar for Kennedy_3

I have to create a program that accepts the number of tile as input from the keyboard, and returns the number of tiles to the main method. It has to accept the number of tiles and calculates the cost of each tiles. The method has to return the cost to …

Member Avatar for Kennedy_3
Member Avatar for rafia t

=client reads line from standard input (inFromUser stream) , sends to server via socket (outToServer stream) =server reads line from socket =server converts line to uppercase, sends back to client =client reads, prints modified line from socket (inFromServer stream) i just want to know how the code for server and …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Simple man

Hello! What can be done with send input, native methods, DoKeyBoard? Please give me a full code of native method, dokeyboard,blockinput, sendinput. I want to know this because i want to send strings to other app from vb.net with keypress(suppose pressed key"a", and send an unicode char) and i have …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for negru

Write a program that will print all highly prime numbers from the input interval <a,b>. Prime number is highly prime if deletion of every digit from right is a prime. Example: 239 is highly prime because 239,23,2 are primes. Could someone point out what are logic errors in the following …

Member Avatar for negru

The End.