13 Topics

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Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I have created a table in a mySQL DB where users are going to a form and entering ratings on 6 Categories (5 Specific and 1 Overall) for a particular item_id. On the item table, I have a column that calculates the total number of ratings this particular item_id has …

Member Avatar for Vishwajeet_2
Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi All, I have a problem with my web page. I'm floating some content to the left so the image below can move up to the right. The content and image are contained in a div with a height set to 100%. When I remove the height or decrease it, …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for DaniwebOS

Hi, I'm having some issues trying to figure out the way to find the percentage of parents with children inside my database. There is a table where all the parents are stored called XY and there is a table where all the children are listed called table Children. How would …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for ourloop

I have a MySQL database with a table that has a field/column labled "user8" (which is the field for users' state). I have this PHP call and its working fine if I call all states individually and I only want numbers of rows. <?PHP mysql_select_db("freeskat_promail") or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT …

Member Avatar for ourloop
Member Avatar for mattsheets

Hello All! I have a MySQL database with 4 items, id (numerical), group_name, employees, and surveys. I need to in my select calulate the percentage of 'employees' who my the number in 'surveys' have taken the survey. This is the statement I have now: SELECT group_name, employees, surveys, COUNT( surveys …

Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus
Member Avatar for JavaPrograms
Member Avatar for Gizzle72

I have created a form in Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 where I have assigned values to checkboxes. I have managed to sum the total of the checkboxes, which is displayed ina separate textbox, but now I need to calculate the percentage of that against the total. CAn anyone help?

Member Avatar for Gizzle72
Member Avatar for ZeroEddy

I am having a bit of rouble trying to sort this out. Basically im creating a header for my website and I want the text to be a certain size when the page loads. If the current window is resized I want the text to change also. I cannot seem …

Member Avatar for suresh ma
Member Avatar for pipelian

I have a datagridview (unbound) that i want to calculate percentages based in a total. I already done the total (in a label.text). So what i want for the second column is to find out the percentage for each quantity that varies every time i enter a new quantity value. …

Member Avatar for adi.shoukat

Hi, How can I setBounds of a component in percentage of screen size so that the interface looks same on different resolutions. I am using Visual Studio 2008. When I click on a button in designer view it shows me button's properties on right side. There I can set Location …

Member Avatar for adi.shoukat
Member Avatar for Gata_Salvaje

Hi ,There I hope you can help me with this I need a Java algorithm to help me find how much % is string A relevant to String B Example : String A => Java ,C++ ,C# ,Assembly String B => java ,c++ then Result should be => 50% relevant …

Member Avatar for ztini
Member Avatar for dschuett

Hi all! I am working on making a dashboard for the inventory of our trucks. I'm having some problems with figuring out how to calculate the percentage of the total SUM of trucks per MAKE without running two different queries. You can see below what I have working this far, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

I have 3 DIVs I'm floating left so they all line up in columns. The middle (2nd) DIV is a separator. The outer DIVs are the main content and I have set each of their width to 49.5% and the middle separator DIV to 1%. FF and IE seem to …

Member Avatar for almostbob

The End.