Hi everyone, I'm a simple minded programmer who has been, and sometimes still am, a Visual Basic user.
And yes I wish Microsoft would bring back VB6!
Thanks for having me on the forum :)

Hi there and welcome to DaniWeb!! Do you work with VB.NET nowadays?

Sometimes I do... Reluctantly.

Currently I'm trying to make a VB.Net / XAML app and that's why I'm here, to get some help.

Thanks for the welcome Dani!

Unfortunately those aren’t technologies that I personally have any experience with, but I wish you the best of luck!

Hopefully there are some people in the DaniWeb community who can be of help to you. Good luck!

Unfortunately... Good luck!

No worries, thanks again Dani :)
BTW, if it's not too much to ask, what are your areas of IT expertise?

Welcome to Daniweb. The username makes me think you like cats.

Thanks Reverend Jim :)

It's funny you mention cats because I was actually wondering how/why I came up with that name after I'd signed up to this forum. Eventually I worked out that the word had come from an episode of The Big Bang Theory that I'd watched recently in which Sheldon replaces Amy with cats. Which is a bit concerning because now I'm thinking "What else stays in my brain that I'm not aware of?"

For the record, I like cats but prefer dogs.

I started DaniWeb way back in 2002 while pursuing a computer science degree as a place for computer science students to learn and get help from each other. It’s written in PHP with MySQL, Memcached, Redis, and Sphinx. I ended up falling in love with advertising, digital marketing, and SEO. Specifically, technical SEO.

Before DaniWeb, as it exists today, came to be, it was a site about my dogs from 1996-1999.

BBT was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the name. BTW I also like cats and prefer dogs, but we're too old to want to go for long walks in Winnipeg winters so it's just cats from now on.

You can always get a lapdog that is trained to pee indoors :)

commented: I have a story about a staffer on our dev team. Let's just say, the lapdog did better. +0

Friends of ours bred Chinese Crested and they put down pee pads. Do you want to guess what their house smelled like? I find that cats make much better lap pets than dogs. Although I have to admit I've never had a dog try to sleep on my face.

I started DaniWeb way back in 2002...

Doing a degree and DaniWeb at the same time, I have to admit I'm impressed with that workload. I haven't heard of Memcached, Redis or Sphinx so I'll have to check them out. And it's good to know there's an SEO/marketing specialist around these parts because, who knows maybe one day I'll sell an app or two online, and I'm sure I'll have some questions about promoting my product/s. Thanks for the info!

BBT was the first thing that came to mind...

Ah yes, well done, very perceptive of you! I on the other hand take a little longer to realize these sorts of things.

... it's just cats from now on.

Cats are cool but sometimes they're a little too cool/aloof for my liking. What we really need is for those big tech companies to make a robot dog that can take us on walks (and do our laundry, prepare meals for us, etc).

I completely forgot about replying to this thread and I just randomly thought about it this weekend.

I will preface this by saying I truly apologize to Zazy for turning their welcome post about VB into a topic about pee and poop.

Nevertheless, I wanted to let you know that we exclusively use pee pads for our 22 lb Shetland Sheepdog. I am of the thought that we don't hold in our pee. Why should we force our dogs to have to hold in their pee and poop around our schedule?

I find pee pads incredibly easy. There is no having to let the dog out in inclement weather and then having to bathe muddy water off of her. There is no being woken up by the dog having to go outside. If I'm feeling under the weather (which is a pretty typically occurrence for me), there is no having to force myself to walk the dog. There is no having to run home from plans early in order to take the dog out.

Instead, when she has to go, she goes. She has a pee pad in each of our bathrooms. She poops first thing in the morning, immediately after breakfast, and shortly after dinner. I clean up her morning pee/poop while brushing my teeth, her breakfast pee/poop when I shower, and her dinner pee/poop when I am getting washed up for bed. If my schedule gets thrown off, then it's not the end of the world and there are never any accidents to deal with. The worst thing that happens is a soiled pee pad sits in the bathroom for an hour. IMHO, it's not any worse than a litter box. In fact, it's significantly better because the pee pad lays on an antibacterial silicone mat, doesn't track litter, and (while worse for the environment, I admit) it gets completely thrown away multiple times a day, with the poop flushed down the toilet, compared to a litter box that just has solid clumps scooped out where they sit in your trash can. Litter boxes also remain pretty nasty unless/until thoroughly emptied and scrubbed, which doesn't happen regularly.

Sadie gets plenty of exercise both playing around the yard as well as on walks. If she's in her backyard, she will enter the house mid-playtime to use the restroom, and then go back outside to continue playing. If she's on a walk, she will pee on grass (a more recent trick she learned from her friends at the dog park), but she will hold in her poop until she has a pee pad available. I typically bring one or two with me if we are going to be out all day with her, and she has no problem using it wherever I put it down (as long as it's an enclosed room somewhere). She absolutely refuses to poop in public.

I have been told by many people that our house does not smell like a dog lives here at all.

Doing a degree and DaniWeb at the same time, I have to admit I'm impressed with that workload.

Thank you! Although that was 20 years ago, so I barely remember anymore. I just remember always be excited to rush home from class to work on my hobby programming forum.

VB6 still has a loyal fan base!

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