I'm working on small-business outreach in my area and I'm really running short on leads. I wanted to start this thread to help me, and other independent IT professionals/firms, target valuable industries.

I've had good luck with:

Property Management

Anybody else have an industry that usually needs outsourced IT support?

A colleague of mine also suggested medical offices for IT support and local restaurants as a good target for web services.

I would look at any "Professional Industry" one where they have a high billable hour, and where their computers are very important to them. Here are some more ideas:

Civil Engineers
Consulting Firms
Stock Brokers & Traders
Retail Stores (<- Good Because of Need for Up time)

So now that I have helped you out, would you mind helping me out, I am in somewhat of a similar situation... our IT company www.olivelabs.com is trying to developed more services to offer, and you are the exact target for insight. Please read a post that I made, and comment.


Greg Moser

Banks mate, focus on banking sector, they pay well and if your product succeeded you can grant your self set of sales from other banks as well.

Financial, Healthcare and Insurance sectors

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