is there anything out there ? i still cant find one .
for php , css , with syntax highlights . anyone ? pay or opensource it doest mind to me .

Netbeans should suit your needs...and it's free.

As was mentioned above NetBeans should do the trick. I still use Dreamweaver and NotePad++ for everything myself.

plugin ? or just download ? thanks . anything more simple then netbeans ? i wish notepad has a plugin for it :)

I agree with the Netbeans suggestion, but if you want a program that's a little less bulky you could always go with TextPad. It is after all 1/100 the size of Netbeans ;)

I agree with the Netbeans suggestion, but if you want a program that's a little less bulky you could always go with TextPad. It is after all 1/100 the size of Netbeans ;)

hmm i dont see anything that says collavorative feature , nor in the screenshots .

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