Please tell how to localize the open sourcesoftware(that is just translate to my language)by replacing the english with my local language.Any software available?

Language dependent, but often it will go down to simple text file from which localized term would be read.
If you can be specific which language you use somebody may be able to point you in right direction

Language dependent, but often it will go down to simple text file from which localized term would be read.
If you can be specific which language you use somebody may be able to point you in right direction

Thanks for reply:)
From english to tamil,malayalam (south indian languages).And can you specify the simple text file(any common name for all software sources which has localized terms.

Thanks for reply:)
From english to tamil,malayalam (south indian languages).And can you specify the simple text file(any common name for all software sources which has localized terms.

Programming language...

I believe most programs contain language-specific dlls for each of the languages they wish to support. If its a MS-Windows gui program then put all the resources in language-specific dll.

Programming language...

I am using Java :)

For start yo can have look at Iternationalization. I'm not sure if this will be best solution for you, but as previously mentioned you can create "property" files with localization for given languages (you can have look at Pebble bloging application, where these files are stored in TOMCAT_DIR\WEB-INF\classes).

If this info is not enough please create new thread in Java section

For start yo can have look at Iternationalization. I'm not sure if this will be best solution for you, but as previously mentioned you can create "property" files with localization for given languages (you can have look at Pebble bloging application, where these files are stored in TOMCAT_DIR\WEB-INF\classes).

If this info is not enough please create new thread in Java section

Thanks for the information.

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