I have been working in the IT industry for a long time but I don’t have proper certification owing to lack of time and capital. I was looking for some training institute which can provide me training in MCSE and CCNA keeping in mind my budget and time. A friend of mine suggested me to go for an offshore training with Koenig solutions in India. Does anybody have anything to share about Koenig solutions or offshore training? What is the quality of the training?

Lots and lots of diploma mills and fake certificate suppliers out there.
Any "online certification" would automatically classify as one of those.

And physical travel and stay in another country would negate any lower cost of the actual training itself.

I've been to Koenig in New Delhi,I was a bit concerned before getting there; but arriving there, I had 2 very good trainers, both very capable. They were as good as any other trainer that I had in Europe (The UK, Belgium and Germany). I would definetely recommend Koenig for trainings, just make sure you get to know where you are going (weather, location, etc), as it can make a massive difference.
I met people from all over the place (Africa, Scandinavia, the UK, NL, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland), and all of them were impressed with the quality of the trainers.
I hope this helps.

I was at Koenig solutions, New Delhi Centre. I found it while searching for a boot camp and gave it a try and I must say it is the best thing I have done for my IT career. I went there not knowing a lot and left which much more than I bargained for. Their instructors are top class and they make sure you understand what your being taught and after your course you are give Experience days(2 free days) where you will be given real life problems on working machines(not virtual like during course) and left alone to trouble-shoot the problems but will only be assisted (by being given a hint) when you can't go any further so you don't only learn and get certified but you get to test yourself to see how well you know what you just learnt.

You can also choose what track you want and that will best fit your financial status. It's the quality, convenience and affordability that Koenig-solutions gives that attracts people from all over the world.

Visit its site and see for yourself. In my opinion its better than every other place I have tried that's why I intend to go back there and upgrade when I can

Hi i want to know about certification in Microsoft Technologies like .Net and Asp.Net, C# and C , C++. Can any one providing free certifications or demo tests.

Can any one give training for these certifications.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I just read the following on Prometric's website :
"In order to sit for a Microsoft Certification exam at a Prometric testing center in India, China, or Pakistan, you must be a legitimate resident of that country. If you are a legitimate resident of that country, note the following:

Effective immediately, Prometric testing centers in these three countries are required to confirm and record that each Microsoft Certification candidate has shown documented proof that he or she is a legitimate resident of that specific country. To verify country of residence status, each candidate is required to bring two valid and officially recognized forms of identification (ID)—one with a photo and an official residence address, and both with a signature."

If this is true I will not be able to take Microsoft exams in India. Any suggestions ?

Hi Palaweb, with refrence to your post, I would like to inform you that Koenig Solutions has been given special permission to allow foreigners to take Microsoft exams at our testing centre after verifying that they possess the Indian visa. All foreign students at Koenig can still take their Microsoft exams without any problem.

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