How to secure a computer network?

Secure it in what way? For the typical household, a password-protected router is just fine.

commented: Thanks! I got it. +0

What computer network?

For home users and mind you I'm talking about current versions of Apple OS and Windows we have drive encryption automatically with the T2 chip and can beef that up with FileVault. On Windows, Bitlocker will do fine.

Now about the home network. By default there are no automatic file shares so there's not much to worry about over a network unless the user is installing or allowing remote access. But on current versions of Apple OS, Windows and Linux the default has no known current exploits to worry about over a network.

HOWEVER, if you are sharing information via the web on social media and such, is that one of your security concerns?

commented: Thanks! I got it! +0

The first thing to do with any infrastructure you set up is to change the default passwords. You'd be appalled to find out how many breeches occurred because a sysadmin left admin/password as the defaults.

commented: "One, two, three, four, five? That's amazing. I've got the same combination on my luggage." +16
commented: Make sense ! Thanks ! +0
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