
I have a macbook with OS X Lepoard and i have a wireless printer that my family uses, its a dell printer. I am connected to the printer but i can print anything out. I dont know if there are drivers from dell that work on macs. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas that could help me out.


I dont know if there are drivers from dell that work on macs

most of dells lazers and nearly all the business ones support linux (and therefore should support the mac)

dont know about home ones. What is the exact model of tyhe printer in question?


I have a macbook with OS X Lepoard and i have a wireless printer that my family uses, its a dell printer. I am connected to the printer but i can print anything out. I dont know if there are drivers from dell that work on macs. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas that could help me out.


I am new to daniweb. Did you get an answer to your dell printer question about a MAC driver? If so, please let me know the website to get the driver. Thank you

Ill post the Printer type when i get home today, Thanks for your help.

It's unlikely that you'll be able to print to your printer using one of the generic Postscript drivers that Apple provides. Even the printer drivers that can be optionally installed with Mac OS X are quite lacking, I've found in my experience; I recommend searching on Google or Dell's website for a Mac driver which is almost certainly floating out there somewhere.

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