Please help me :( I am in dire need of a scientific / mathematical word processor for either Windows XP or Mac OS X. Something that utilizes LaTeX maybe?

Please help me :( I am in dire need of a scientific / mathematical word processor for either Windows XP or Mac OS X. Something that utilizes LaTeX maybe?

Hmmm don't think my last post worked so here it is again.

Try Emacs for the mac or goto and do a search for Latex editors. I found about 10 there some look pretty good. Commercial apps, the best is BBedit. BBedit is about 179 US but if you goto your Uni computer store you should be able to get it at an academic price. Also check with your CompSci department they may have a site liscence for it or have other apps that would be suitable.

Please help me :( I am in dire need of a scientific / mathematical word processor for either Windows XP or Mac OS X. Something that utilizes LaTeX maybe?

I found miktex, a free windows latex, combined with texnic, a front end gui editor, to work nicely on windows and for no cost! Install miktex first and then the texnic. Works great! I use the minimal install of miktex and have not encountered limitations. It did not take long before I found it easier to work with than MS word equation editor--at least the lite one that comes with word.

I'm sorry, but I can't resist:

"I like a woman who's into LaTeX"


whatever happened to WordStar? Do they still exist?
WordStar was the preferred choice of the scientific community in the 1980s and early 1990s, afterwards superceded by WordPerfect 5 which had a marvellous equation editor.

I haven't heard the word 'wordstar' in a few decades. :) Like VI, its users tended to bond to it emotionally, having learned all the hot-key combinations. I think it lost traction in the transition to windows as wordperfect did.

I have read that latex is used to produce something like 90% of all scientific papers, and of course it is not controlled by the borg. It is not wsysig, but I found I was creating equations nicely after a couple of hours use. Its like programming in that you do a build before you can see how it will look.

Hey guys. Thanks for all of the feedback. I actually found this program called MathType, and I'm very happy with it. It is available for both the Windows and the Mac. A lite version of it is actually built into Microsoft Word in the form of the Microsoft Equation Editor.

I do it in WordPerfect 8.

Please help me :( I am in dire need of a scientific / mathematical word processor for either Windows XP or Mac OS X. Something that utilizes LaTeX maybe?

ScienceWord 5.0 does
-maths (geometry, calculus,math expressions, graphing 2d and 3d of functions f(x), etc),
-chemistry and
-many more.

please, look at
There are plenty of screencasts there

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