Hello ppl,

Do any of you have a sample branch prediction algorithm? I m trying to study deep into branch prediction and I need to see what things are being used in the code.

Thanks in advance

Branch prediction depends upon which processor family and which exact processor. Branch prediction has changed over time!

For example on older 80x86 processors, "if a branch to an earlier address, then it is predicted that the branch will be taken! As it is a loop!" On newer processors last branch will be remembered and used as a hint. There are also hint pre-processor instructions as to what the branch condition will do!

Thanks for the reply

Can I ask u if u have any algorithm (any processor), that is helpful in understanding the logical flow of branch prediction.


Here's a branch prediction algorithm:

1. Assume the conditional jump won't jump.

That's it.

Here's another.

1. Assume it will do what it did last time.

There's a pretty good explanation on page 293-298 in the book "32/64-Bit 80x86 Assembly Language Architecture".

Thank you both of u

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