Hello all,

We have just launched a startup. Now, we are looking for a simple web-based relational database system where we can easily add tables and connect them to one another through foreign keys. For example, we would want to create a suppliers database in which we could perform a query such as "show me

  1. all suppliers

  2. for a certain product type

  3. which is based in a certain region

  4. and offers the product type within a certain price range".

We are a team of five which means the database should be accessible for 5 people through a web interface. We know the basics of database modeling. But unfortunately, none of us is experienced in writing (my)SQL code. Thus, we would wish to find a system that comes with a tool-based development environment. Eventually, our budget is limited and we, therefore, would prefer a cheap system over an expensive one. We would appreciate any ideas from you

How can someone write about foreign keys, relational databases and not have been exposed to SQL?

My advice is to spend the time on the usual PHP MySQL Tutorials and get up to speed over the next month.

I would stick to PHP and MySQL as they are free and there are a lot of online tutorials and resources catering to newbies. There is also phpMyAdmin which is a web-based GUI to visualize your MySQL databases and tables.

I use the PHPStorm IDE and it, also, has a built-in UI to visualize and interact with MySQL.

How can someone write about foreign keys, relational databases and not have been exposed to SQL?

By using GUI based tools to design and interact with tables without writing out actual SQL statements. Similarly, I am familiar with code commits and forks and whatnot by using my IDE's UI-based Github integration without knowing any of the CLI git commands.

commented: you'd still need to know what happens at the database level for those things to make sense... +16
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