Resolution of error "Run-time error '3709'" at make-table from sql select statement

Are you trying to execute the query before opening the connection? I'm just guessing because you didn't post any code. Strictly speaking you didn't post a question either.

Our old VB6 SQL apps began failing a few years ago. We hadn't worked on those for over a decade along with decommissioning the developer kits. Turns out the company using these had moved to Windows 10 which didn't exist back when the apps were developed or put into service.

We are still in negotiations about replacement apps along with estimates on the new apps.

Since you can't buy VB6 today, how do you write new apps in this?

You can still install and run VB6 in Windows 11, when installing you will get an error dealing with some data piece, you either skip or not install it. Be sure to get VB6 Service Pack 6. There are many of us still supporting and modifying VB6 programs,

As far as the Error goes either the Server name is wrong or isn't yet connected like the user said above.


commented: So where can you get a legitimate license today? Also, the component that fails is needed for the SQL connections we used so "It's dead Jim." +17

Sorry, not sure where you can get a copy, several showing up on Internet who knows if legit. I thought maybe you have copy, just couldn't get installed.

Like I mentioned many of us have vb6 development systems. If you wish one of us could help if you have the source code to the program.


commented: Sorry but I was unclear and don't repeat our story in full each time VB6 comes up. +0

For mdv3441. While we still have the VB6 install media and know about service pack 6 and more, it's all for naught as the key SQL component is dead now.

Yes we could do a re-write but as the client won't pay for the updates they are left as-is. We're ready to move to the latest Visual Studio but VB6, dead and we can't obtain licenses from its maker. Because it's a business we can't and won't break the rules on licensing.

While other than the SQL we used back then being dead, the other parts of VB6 function but it's time to move on.

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