--------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
C:\Documents and Settings\mykel\Desktop\auto.java:4: unexpected type
found : char
required: reference
Set <char>setAlpha = new HashSet<char>();
C:\Documents and Settings\mykel\Desktop\auto.java:4: unexpected type
found : char
required: reference
Set <char>setAlpha = new HashSet<char>();
2 errors

how come i cant cast a char on a set??? it works well with other data types.

thanks in advance

char is a primitive, you can't store primitives in Collections.
Make it Set<Char> instead, and autoboxing will ensure your chars are converted into Chars and back again.

thanks Jwenting.

i have been waiting for a reply. hehehe

were on a tight deadline for our seniors thesis project

--------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
C:\Documents and Settings\mykel\Desktop\auto.java:4: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Char
location: class auto
Set <Char>s = new HashSet<Char>();
C:\Documents and Settings\mykel\Desktop\auto.java:4: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Char
location: class auto
Set <Char>s = new HashSet<Char>();
2 errors

whats autoboxing???

got it.

its not Set<Char>
but Set<Character>


yes, my bad. I rarely use that type, mostly we use longs where I work.

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