
I want to make a php validation for textbox which limit user to enter only character.

i using following code

function validate_alpha($val)
			return eregi("[^0-9]",$val);

if i type 123 it will give error. that is ok.

but when i type keval123 it doesn't produce error.

how to solve this problem.


Just one character? So "a" or "3", but not "ab" or "3r" etc?

If so, just do:

if( strlen($val) == 1 ) {
 // Fine
else {
 // Error

Or do you mean something else? :)

Use ctype_alnum() function to check the input data. I give you an example code:

function validate_alpha($val)
return "string is accepted.";
return "string is not accepted";

hi, navdeep7489

Your code is not working.


Hello Keval,
Check this code:

function validate_alpha($val)
if((ctype_alnum($val)) && (!is_numeric($val[0])))
return "string is accepted.";
return "string is not accepted";
echo validate_alpha("1navdeep"); //not accepted
echo validate_alpha("navdeep"); // accepted
echo "\n".validate_alpha("nat#$#132"); // not accepted


function checkString($string){
for($i=0; $i<10; $i++)
    if(strpos($string,"$i") > -1)
         return false;
return true;

To validate Name i think you might require alphabates as string
Call this function where you want to validate.

function isAlphabet(elem, helperMsg)//elem => var fname=document.getElementById('fname')
var alphaExp = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/;
return true;
return false;

Or you can visit the link
Hope this may useful to you.
Thanks & Regards


keval_hack i think using ctype_alphanum() function which is avaliable in php will solve your problem


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