6 Topics

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As we all know that PDF is the best format for viewing and sharing documents, it is widely used by computer users. However, due to PDF's special feature - un-editable, what will you do if you need to edit or revise a PDF file? The following 4 ways can help …

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Member Avatar for wale89

Hi everyone, Is anybody know about the system/application that would allow users to classify documents into category eg: (confidential, public, internal). It is somehow same as the [TITUS File Classification](http://www.titus.com/software/document-classification/index.php) system but then I want to find other options so that I can choose the best. Any help/recommendation would be …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Security stories abound on the Internet, and as we enter a new month an old one has resurfaced. There are legal questions over the Sarah Palin hacking event last year. Graham Cluley has [URL="http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2009/07/01/legal-arguments-sarah-palin-email-hack/"]blogged[/URL] about it. For me he's buried the main point right at the end of the story. …

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It's true, Elvis Presley's birthplace and I are complete strangers. But if I had been there, or better still if I were planning to visit, I hope I wouldn't say anything overtly insulting about the place. Unlike, say, James Andrews, VP of Ketchum PR. He seems to have [URL="http://mumbrella.com.au/2009/01/16/two-digital-blunders-pr-man-disses-his-clients-city-on-twitter-radio-trade-bodys-rogue-email/"]embarrassed himself[/URL] …

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I don't know the extent to which this story has crossed the shores to America, but our local friendly far-right political party the British National Party has had details of its members published on the Internet. I'm not going to rehearse their arguments for them - you know the sort …

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I've been doing a piece lately that's involved me talking to a number of IT support types and they're all coming out with similar comments and views: too many managers, they're saying, are declaring that something is an IT issue when actually it's no such thing, it's a management thing. …

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The End.