8 Topics

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Member Avatar for DdoubleD

Demonstrates using .NET Remoting to broadcast to client subscribers. There are three parts: 1) Server.cs - for console app responsible for broadcasting messages (date/time stamp currently) 2) Client.cs - for console app that registers with server to subscribe to broadcasts 3) Agent.cs - class library that facilitates/eposes the interfaces for …

Member Avatar for HarishKJ
Member Avatar for srieja

is it possible to send data from remote object to the server in C# remoting using TCP channel???? Please reply thanking you in advance....................

Member Avatar for devloper
Member Avatar for dirnthelord

I searched but couldn't find a proper answer for this...may be I didn't look deep enough. Anyways, little insight from you guys will only make things easier. So hear me out. this is for my final year research project. I just need concepts and if any links I can read …

Member Avatar for dirnthelord
Member Avatar for micmo

Hi all, I have code which allows a client console to connect to a server console using .NET Remoting with a shared dll, and then perform some operations. The only problem I'm aving, is that I want the main bulk of the programming logic to be performed on the server …

Member Avatar for zachattack05
Member Avatar for VichuTheWizard

Hi, I am currently doing a project on remote object communication between Flex 4.1 SDK and Java using Flerry API.I need a Java program that can capture the user keystrokes while the user enter's text in the action-script text-area. i.e I need Java program that captures the keystrokes as user …

Member Avatar for VichuTheWizard
Member Avatar for ankitpsaraogi

This is the form.cs in my REMOTE SERVER [CODE=c#] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace remoteserver { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, …

Member Avatar for ankitpsaraogi
Member Avatar for arunkumars

Hi, The problem statement is: there is an application on the clients machine, which has a event that is called from the form. there is a VB script (a batch file), an .exe file, when clicked, this in turn creates a .doc file, this .doc file shud be displayed on …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD

Quite a few people have been asking how they can get their applications to talk to each other. More specifically, they have been wanting to know how to access information from another running application using .NET Remoting. Not having done this before, I decided to take up the challenge and …

Member Avatar for ddanbe

The End.