19 Topics

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Member Avatar for toll_booth

Hello everyone. I am trying to teach myself the very basics of the Brian neuron simulator before attempting to modeling realistic networks. Any of you guys know how to use it? Specifically, the first exercise I am attempting is: dx/dt = 1 + x - y - x^2 - x^3 …

Member Avatar for abdul.mudaser

hi,how would i make two panels coming from different directions like elevator closing two doors. have a look at this video Year 2 OOP and SE assignment 1: Elevator i want to make an exact application elevator simulator,can you please tell me or provide me with a code that it …

Member Avatar for castajiz_2
Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

Hi, Please suggest a best free software for simulating a linux web server and internal netwrok in a organization connected in LAN to test a web application for the organization. I would like to test everything in my laptop before getting to the location and setting up the routers, switches, …

Member Avatar for ronaldpaul
Member Avatar for m_ishwar

Here is a code snippet that calculates the probability of the outcome of a two sided game based on the capability of each side. I used it in my football league simulator program Could be used in any number of simulators which involve two parties. For equally strong parties, the …

Member Avatar for shredder2794

Hello all, I have a MKMapView that is having a very strange problem which is kind of hard to explain. I have an MKOverlay that is saved between sessions by saving the points of the overlay to a file and loading the overlay in viewDidLoad. So here's the problem: Steps …

Member Avatar for nah094020

Ok so am writing a program that simulates a computer system.The cpu and memory will be forked making memory a child process and cpu athe parent and i will be using pipes to let them exchange informatino. I am really lost tough on what to do next, i have loaded …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Kewne

Hi...I need some help here... I need some suggestions and recommendations on J2ME simulators... I'm using NetBeans, BlueCove, Windows 7 I'm working on a project related to bluetooth programming... Thank you in advance....

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for rawan.a.osman

hi,, am trying to build a lap top based flight simulator and simply i need as much help as i can get

Member Avatar for BigPaw
Member Avatar for slimergan

Hi, I am doing a project on creating a traffic simulator for a particular road junction in java. I am looking for ideas on how I would go about recreating the visual of the junction in which I can have moving cars on. Would I use Graph with nodes or …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Grenwood

Hey all, I was hoping I could get some advice on designing the proper threading for our project. A little background info - our company does simulators of complex electrical/mechanical systems. These simulators could have fuel systems, electrical systems, pneumatic pressure systems, etc. I suppose you can just think of …

Member Avatar for Grenwood
Member Avatar for rlord3534

My program won't run.. I keep getting a nullPointerException but I have no idea why.. Thanks! The program is supposed to create a simulation for a line ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class Prog5 { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Simulation simulation = new Simulation(10); simulation.run(); } …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for yeeitsneo

hi! uhm. can anyone please help me out with this program im creating. its a automaton simulator. im having a problem with my way of presenting the simulation. my automaton accepts strings (0 and 1). the user then inputs any string from 0 and 1 ( eg. 000111 , 0101010 …

Member Avatar for Sam367
Member Avatar for ocamsrazor

Hi, im new to all this programming stuff and i am a total novice, so please treat me as such. By this friday (27th), i need to program a user interface for a driving simulator, including a picture box(or similar) with images to show basic direction or something, a gas, …

Member Avatar for lxXTaCoXxl
Member Avatar for hsetaknev

Hi guys, Am a begginer learning assembly .I am using Instruction set of 8085 for simplicity in the understandind. I've down loaded a soft called GNUsim8085.. I dont know how to load a loop n a simulator,and dont know how o input user values.PLEASE guYS tELL ME HOW IF U …

Member Avatar for kikic

I need a problem, i use PIC simulator to import2 numbers by serial port. First I send byte, 5 for example, then send sent 2 and in the third step I sent char for example *, and the result is 5*2=10. Everything is fine till I send larger number more …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for bigdan182

I am writing some code to simulate a football tournament by comparing several teams on several parameters. I need to be able to knock out teams, edit some stats mid simulation, and be able to easily access individual teams data, what structure would I be best using? I had thought …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, i am looking for the most realistic racing simulator. I want it to be like real driving. And i also want it to be a free roam racing game. i prefer an offroad racing simulator. i use windows 7 64 bit. nvidia geforce 8400 gs low profile. Intel(R) Core(TM) …

Member Avatar for thecoolman5
Member Avatar for winrycool1

I am in the third year,but i want to start thinking about my project right now,i found this idea very interesting but i have no idea where to start,i know i should start learning up its working but after that?is C++ a good option?i have never done any difficult coding,i …

Member Avatar for vikonava

hi... i wanted to know if any of you could help me... i need to create an unidirectional link between two nodes using TCP on Network Simulator. For this, I suppose this means I need to setup a half-duplex on the tcl configuration, Ive read the entire NSnam manual and …


The End.