14 Topics

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Member Avatar for Paul_97

This is a complete tutorial on creating a Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) in Swift. Go through the entire post to get familiar with all aspects of DFAs, and then implement your own DFA in Swift from scratch by following the steps given here. This will give you real-world experience on …

Member Avatar for Pavan_5

I am trying to develop the genetic algorithm to solve Traveling Saleman problem and part of my challenge is to generate random tours long enough and write a fitness function to evaluate the cost incurred for each of the random tour. I have attempted to write the following. My objective …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for MikeBah

I have been asked to build a group of functions that carry out set theory operations such as intersection and union. The functions below that I must complete are set_intersectWith, set_unionWith, set_minusWith, set_powerset, where: > set_intersectWith = A ∩ B > set_unionWith = A ∪ B > set_minusWith = complement …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Gà_1

These programs are not perfect and very coarcenes but I think it understandable for who are new to learning Graph Theory. I will point directly each problem by using example code. Any questions or idea please post here. Thank you. Here are my programs, we will start with a basic …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA

I would like to propose a link thread for posting listings of sites on CS topics not tied to a specific language. Two that come to mind as being relevant to some of the more common questions would be the [OS Dev Wiki](http://www.osdev.org), and the similarly themed but less established …

Member Avatar for sanjit.dasgupta2
Member Avatar for somjit{}

i was searching for a code to perform binary XOR addition. Exams coming up, and needed to a quick way to create and verify standard array tables. However, i didnt find anything substantial on the internet, so made my own version of it. can anyone take a look and tell …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

I am currently working on kind of multi-graph structure. The thing is that two graphs are needed for my application which span the same vertices but with two distinct set of edges (i.e., a multi-graph). The first graph is a binary search tree, while the second graph must be general …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for kogorman

I was recently toying with an idea from my education in computer science, namely that any deterministic algorithm can be expressed with just two control structures: a loop containing a switch. I never doubted it. From a certain point of view, that's what programs look like to the silicon of …

Member Avatar for kogorman
Member Avatar for tahsin.rahit

This code is giving me runtime error. Here, first I want to take a integer input which determine the number (n) of nodes in the graph. Then for n-1 time I want take two integer input which will give the adjacency information. [CODE] #include <set> #include <map> #include <list> #include …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Danny159

Hey, I am a programmer in PHP Procedural and have just applied for a new job to further my career as a PHP Programmer, however they said it's advised to learn PHP OOP... so I have been watching some tutorials about PHP OOP and it just looks like OOP is …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson

so I recently wrote a function that sorted using the last value in a tuple. Obviously this couldn't be done simply say sorted(tuples, key=tuples[-1]) because that is not a "legal" call. However I did run across, while trying to figure out how to make things like this work, the utilization …

Member Avatar for nabla2
Member Avatar for VJTechno

Hello Friends, I was reading about the orthogonality and it's advantages. Then heard something like "Java is an Orthogonal Language". Can anyone explain me what do we mean by a particular programing language being orthogonal? If I am using Java for development of my application, does it imply that my …

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Member Avatar for NicAx64

Hi , these days I'm reading the brans kernel development tutorial. and doing it's particles. So last I find to had to read Intel 80386 programmers manual by intel. In section 2.6 Interrupts and Exceptions I asking a theoretical question here. They said Exceptions are synchronous and Interrupts are asynchronous. …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

With technology and actually with anything else, adoption of the new item or technology takes times and lots of effort. With the adoption of social media at fast speed, I truly believe that now the laggards are embracing it. You are seeing older generations on Facebook. One important fact is …


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