Answer the riddle then after answering.. post your riddle too..

Yosha!! I'll start..

What has a mouth but cannot eat what moves but has no legs and what has a bank but cannot put money in it?

Man, I must be bored.....

A: A river

Q1: What gets wetter as it's drying?
Q2: What walks on 4 legs, walks on 2 legs and finally walks on 3 legs?
Q3: What has eyes, but cannot see
Q4: What has ears, but cannot hear (it's not a UK politician by the way)

A1: A towel?
A3: A mole?

Two random guesses.

If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?

A2: man
A4: corn


Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not. What is it?

a3 = potato

There are two dogs sitting on a porch - one dog is fat and one is thin.

The little dog is the son of the fat dog, but the fat dog is not the father of the thin dog.

Can you explain?

the fat dog is little dog's mother

The fishermen like me, the doctors hate me;Kids want to eat me,I am a 13 letter word
Who am I??

Feed me and I Live,
Give me water and I Die

What Am I?


The man who invented it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it.

What is it?

I have a headache right now.. LOL
Don't have and Idea

What is the front of the woman at the back of the cow?

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