Hey there guys!

Since it's that time of the year, most people are just sitting at their desks, business is dead and you bored out your skull (Unless ofcourse you have a real job). So I thought, hey, I've got a phone with all this extra crap on including games, why don't I ever use it?

So does anyone know of some cool apps/games you can download for your phone to keep you busy through the boring December holiday offce hours?

I haven't got an iTouch (yet), but I played World At War: Zombies on a friends and it will awesome.

Well the Xmas edition/addition to Angry Birds (new level released each day in advent calendar style) is keeping me amused on the iPhone at the moment.

Agreed. Angry birds is great fun.

Anyone that's a fan of social networking (me not so much) but there's an app called "Snaptu" I really like the whole look of the interface and it makes life alot easier by having quick access to twitter, faceBook, weather updates, news, sport. All that stuff.. Worth checking out.

Angry Birds, Smurfs, Mega Jump, Stickmen Wars, Tiny Cook, Tap Resort, Tap Town, man there is such a staggering amount of games out there and more on the way. Good luck trying to play them all.

My Favorite Apps and games are as follows:

Angry Birds.
Frozen Bubble.
Google Goggles.
Basketball Shot...

I am the only person in my immediate iTouch owning family (so that's my wife, 13 year old son and 11 year old daughter) who is not totally obsessed with Zombie Farm right now. I'm getting fed up hearing the 'brains' push alert sound at inappropriate times and otherwise sensible people getting all excited and shouting stuff seemingly at random such as 'I've got a carrot' - sigh.

As for 'Best App' on my iPhone, that's pretty easy right now: uMail

This is based on the old reMail app, in fact it's pretty much a straight clone which is no bad thing. reMail was bought up by Google, well they employed the chap who developed it and part of the deal was removing the app from the App Store. The reMail code has since been open sourced by Google, and uMail is the best app to have come out of that.

It means I can keep a complete backup of my GMail messages (sent and rec'd) locally on my iPhone for a start, so it's always there even if my connectivity isn't or Gmail is down for whatever reason. In the light of the recent big Gmail account vanishing, a local message backup is no bad thing. But it also enables me to search my mail archives in a flash, and that's just like gold dust to me.

Oh, did I mention it was free? :)

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