Hello DaniWebies!
It seems like everytime I read a story or see something in a movie that involves a programmer and/or hacker/cracker they smoke at some point (usually at the computer). I'm curious: why is this? Is it just the fact that a lot of people smoke and so many of them would too? Or is there some connection between the two? Your thoughts?



It's probably borrowed from the chain-smoking poet or whiskey-drinking writer stereotype.

Btw, I'm a programmer, a smoker, and a whiskey drinker, so I guess I qualify.

i am a programmer, i neither smoke, nor do i drink(alcoholic drinks). but i know some programmers who smoke, but then i know non-programmers who smoke as well, so i dont think there is any connection between smokers and programmers.

I don't smoke or drink.

I was a long-time smoker, but quit a few years ago. The other three developers on my team have never been smokers.

I've never seen any occupational tendency towards it. Based on my personal observations, there seems to actually be a negative correlation. My sample population is rather low though, so as a programmer I wouldn't hold it up as a statistically viable assumption. :)

15 years ago I chain smoked, the room I worked in was always filled with my smoke. Then one day the boss banned smoking from the workplace, so I would take frequent breaks to smoke outside, regardless of weather. I smoked in my house also, until one day we had to move my mother-in-law into our home so we could care for her. Smoking inside stopped then, and I was outdoors again in all kinds of weather. The last straw was when the price of cigarettes went to $5.00 USD per pack of 20. It was only $1.00 for a carton of 10 packs when I first started (late 1950s), now it's $50.00/carton, so I decided enough is enough and gave them up. Stopping was difficult, I ate a lot of carottes, so many that my skin turned yellow. It was all worth it because now I feel a great deal better, not ill as often, and the house smells very clean.

Very good,
Thanks for all of your replys. Based on what you all have said, I would have to agree that it seems to be just another stereotype. I smoke, but I have a friend who doesn't and wouldn't. We're just a couple kids who love computers and got into programming together. I've never worked with any other programmers in any kind of a work-space either. So my sample is quite small. Thanks for all of your replys and (Ancient Dragon) kind-of advice. :)


P.S. Other opinions still welcome. :)

i don't smoke coz it is injurious to health.

I wouldn't be surprised to be told that cigarette companies are paying for product placement. I'm sure they were absolutely thrilled when Mad Men became such a big hit.

If you smoke you are honest, at least it shows the rest of us that you are not very smart.

commented: Same reason I like body piercing and tattoos. +0
commented: The view from such a high horse must be quite grand indeed. +0

@Ene Uran: I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Are you saying that if you smoke you aren't as smart as people who don't? Because I would say that smoking doesn't have anything to do with intelligence. Smoking is something that feels good. If someone enjoys it than it's fine for them to do it. Otherwise don't. I see no connection to one's ability to think and one's smoking habit.


I smoke because I heard it makes your code run 10% faster. It also makes any GUI you design look cooler.

Though I'm pretty uptight about not smoking near computers. The tar can really gum up a computer.

I smoke because I heard it makes your code run 10% faster. It also makes any GUI you design look cooler.

I always thought drinking beer did that :)

Though I'm pretty uptight about not smoking near computers. The tar can really gum up a computer.

I never smoke near my computer (never inside the house), but, being a Linux user, my hard-drive is full of tar-balls anyway ;)

I always thought drinking beer did that :)

Drinking and coding is OK, as long as your blood alcohol content is below 0.08. And the GUIs will only look cooler to you, beer goggles I guess.

Drinking and coding is OK, as long as your blood alcohol content is below 0.08.

Mine is never that low when I drink alcohol.

Drinking and coding is OK, as long as your blood alcohol content is below 0.08.

Vista was caused by a BAC of 0.10 wasn't it?

Vista was caused by a BAC of 0.10 wasn't it?

Either that or mental retardation. Taking 6 years to produce this shameful piece of software must have involved some form of collective state of impaired judgement.

Smoking is an addiction, and even very smart people can get addicted.

i am a programmer, i neither smoke, nor do i drink(alcoholic drinks). but i know some programmers who smoke, but then i know non-programmers who smoke as well, so i dont think there is any connection between smokers and programmers.

I completely agree, there's no connection between smoking and programming. Smoking is just a habit which some people develop while other's don't have this habit. Any person wether he is a programmer or not can be addicted to smoking.

Then, of course, there is caffeine. Now that is a programmer's addiction.

If you smoke while programming, that means you're typing too fast.

<rimshot, please>

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