Lets play a game where you say an extinct animal, list its current population, and how do we save it.

Bengal Tiger
around 4000 left
To save them, you stop hunting them and wrecking their habitat

(you can't copy an animal either)

Your turn!

Extinct Animal: Sabre Tooth Tiger
Population: 0 (the definition of extinct)
How to save them: You can't. They are extinct.


Population: anonymous, studies show it might be extinct

How to save them: stop hunting the damn birds for fashion.

I think this thread is endangered (that is the word your should have used instead of Extinct).

Posts: 4 (including this one)

How to save: Beg a moderator to change the title so more people will play.

I think this thread is endangered (that is the word your should have used instead of Extinct).
Posts: 4 (including this one)
How to save: Beg a moderator to change the title so more people will play.


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