So basically what you do is that you say an athlete that you like for each category.

For example,
The category is Soccer
Your response is David Beckham
And then you pick the next category.

Okay do you guys get it?

Alright, i will start.

The first category is Tennis.

Djovick (i can't spell it)

Favorite Soccer player

Right now, it is Messi (all time favorite is Pele)

Favorite swimmer

Michael Phelps

Fave NBA Basketball player.

Manute Bol

Favorite Buzkashi player?

Favorite Buzkashi player?


NFL player

Aaron Mellete

Favorite Tennis player

Aaron Mellete

Surprised i never heard of him.

Nadal would be a favorite tennis player ATM.

Favorite track & field athlete

@pixelsoul, this is buzkachi if your wondering:

Basically, it is capture the flag except with goats being the flags and you can literally kill your opponent. It is technically the most dangerous sport but a lot of people aren't aware of it so it really isn't but my people sure love it (i am an afghan... a lot of people think i don't look like one though).

I know the sport. I watched an interview once on tv with a guy who plays it but I could only remember his first name "Mohammed" lol. Some show about sports from around the world.

I watched an interview once on tv with a guy who plays it but I could only remember his first name "Mohammed" lol

I think half of them are named Mohammed lol. The rest are like Mustafa, Abdul, etc. lol

Well that narrowed it down to 50% at least lol.

Well that narrowed it down to 50% at least lol.

It could be more than 50%... there could be a college league... so maybe about 65%...

I have no idea who Aaron Mellete is! I just searched up who the best NFL player was!

I have no idea who Aaron Mellete is! I just searched up who the best NFL player was!

I have never heard of him... but really, the best nfl player doesn't really exist because they never perform the same every season. It is all opinion and situations..

I'm not a football fan so I don't know much about it.

I'm not a football fan so I don't know much about it.

A lot of people aren't a fan... But i am because i play football for my highschool.

cool, do you wear a helmet, body gear, and stuff?

cool, do you wear a helmet, body gear, and stuff?

Yes... it is mandatory for tackle football. The training is quite brutal in our school also but i do my own workouts (so i don't look like a small potato) which are much more painful but much more effective.

I am a wide receiver (starter), corner (starter), and a quarter back (not a starter) but i have played kick returner (the 3 kick returners had been injured and so i had to take over for one game). I am built for offense (mainly) due to my speed and ability to avoid getting tackled.

Since we play for high school, we don't get to keep most of the equipment (such as jerseys, helmets, and pads) but at the end we have amazing bodies (people like pressing my muscles because of the definition (don't ask)) and can possibly pursue football in college if not NFL. Oh, btw. the only people with terrible bodies would be the linemen, they are just fat and brutal strong men.

Do you ever cringe when a big guy is about to tackle you?

Do you ever cringe when a big guy is about to tackle you?

Nope, you lose that emotion because the team will think your a "sissy".

Do you want to play collage football when you get older?

Do you want to play collage football when you get older?

Of course, but i plan on an ivy league school and not some football dedicated school like Notre Dame or UCLA. I plan on Harvard!

Yeah Harvards boss, I want to go there

My fave athlete is Michael Jordan.

I'll start again-


Today's best player in Indiana vs Miami is Paul George! Beat the Heat!!!

commented: Stop doing that!!!!!!!! +0
commented: It's lebron that is the best +0

Tony Parker of San Antonio Spurs NBA player.

Psh... that would be me...

Favorite under water basket weaver :)

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