using namespace std;

int numCheck(int x);

int main ()

    const double LAWYER = 0.10, PERSONAL_ASSISTANT = 0.03, AGENT = 0.07,
                 TRAINER = 0.05;

    double athleteBeginSalary(0.0), lawyerSalary(0.0), personalAssistantSalary(0.0), agentSalary(0.0),
           trainerSalary(0.0), professionalTotalSalary(0.0), athleteEndSalary(0.0);

    int numLawyer, numPersonalAssistant, numAgent, numTrainer, x(1), y(0);

    string firstName[8], lastName[8];

    // The number of the Professional hired: Lawyer, Personal Assistant, Agents, and Trainer //

    cout << "Enter the number of Lawyers hired: "; 
    cin >> numLawyer;
    while((numLawyer < 0) || (numLawyer > 2))
    numLawyer = numCheck(numLawyer);
    if(numLawyer != 0)
                 cout << "Now enter the names of each Lawyer: \n";
                 for(int i = 0; i < numLawyer; i++, x++)
                  cout << "Lawyer " << x <<": ";
                  cin >> firstName[i] >> lastName[i];

    cout << "Enter the number of Personal Assistants hired: ";
    cin >> numPersonalAssistant;
    while((numPersonalAssistant < 0) || (numPersonalAssistant> 2))
    numPersonalAssistant = numCheck(numPersonalAssistant);
    if(numPersonalAssistant != 0)
                            cout << "Now enter the names of each Personal Assistant: \n";
                            for(int i = 2, x = 1; i < (numPersonalAssistant + 2); i++, x++)
                             cout << "Personal Assistant " << x <<": ";
                             cin >> firstName[i] >> lastName[i];

    cout << "Enter the number of Agents hired: ";
    cin >> numAgent;
    while((numAgent < 0) || (numAgent> 2))
    numAgent = numCheck(numAgent);
    if(numAgent != 0)
                cout << "Now enter the names of each Agents: \n";
                for(int i = 4, x = 1; i < (numAgent + 4); i++, x++)
                 cout << "Agent " << x <<": ";
                 cin >> firstName[i] >> lastName[i];

    cout << "Enter the number of Trainers hired: ";
    cin >> numTrainer;
    while((numTrainer < 0) || (numTrainer> 2))
    numTrainer = numCheck(numTrainer);
    if(numTrainer != 0)

                  cout << "Now enter the names of each Trainer: \n";
                  for(int i = 6, x = 1; i < (numTrainer + 6); i++, x++)
                   cout << "Trainer " << x <<": ";
                   cin >> firstName[i] >> lastName[i];

    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            cout << firstName[i] <<" "<<lastName[i]<<"\n";

    // Enter Salary of the Athlete, Lawyer, Personal Assistant, Agent and Trainer //


    cout << "Enter the athlete begininng salary for the year: " << "$";
    cin >> athleteBeginSalary;

    lawyerSalary = (athleteBeginSalary * 0.10) * (numLawyer);
    personalAssistantSalary = (athleteBeginSalary * 0.03) * (numPersonalAssistant);
    agentSalary = (athleteBeginSalary * 0.07) * (numAgent);
    trainerSalary = (athleteBeginSalary * 0.05) * (numTrainer);
    professionalTotalSalary = (lawyerSalary + personalAssistantSalary + agentSalary + trainerSalary);
    athleteEndSalary = ( athleteBeginSalary - professionalTotalSalary); 

    cout <<"\n If no value is displayed under a category, then no value was entered.\n";

    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "LAWYER(S) PAY: \n";
    for(int i = 0; i < numLawyer; i++)
    cout << firstName[i] <<" "<< lastName[i] << ": $" << (lawyerSalary/numLawyer)<< endl;

    cout << endl << endl; 

    cout << "PERSONAL ASSISTANT(S) PAY:  \n";
    for (int i = 2; i < numPersonalAssistant + 2; i++)
    cout << firstName[i] << " " << lastName[i] << ": $" << personalAssistantSalary/numPersonalAssistant << endl;

    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "AGENT (S) PAY: \n";
    for (int i = 4; i < numAgent + 4; i++)
    cout << firstName[i] << " " << lastName[i] << ": $" << agentSalary/numAgent << endl;

    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "TRAINER (S) PAY:  \n";
    for (int i = 6; i < numTrainer + 6; i++)
    cout << firstName[i] << " " << lastName[i] << ": $" << trainerSalary/numTrainer << endl;

    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "The total amount paid to the hired professional is " << " $ " << professionalTotalSalary << endl;

    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "The Ending salary of the athlete is " << " $ " << athleteEndSalary << endl;

    return 0;


int numCheck(int x)
             int y;
             if((x < 0)||(x > 2))
                  cout << "Invalid Number! Number Must Be Not Less Than 0" 
                       << "or Greater Than 2. Please Enter A Valid Number: ";
                  cin >> y;

Two pigs in a barn:

#include <iostream>
int main()
  using std::cout;
  cout << "Eggs eat stonks"

  int a = 65;
  int b = a/3;

Wait, what are the rules of this game again?

Nice, Moschops.
For amusement, I am rewriting infamous1987's post as a proper OOP program.
I'll let you know when I'm done.

But what ARE the rules?

Well, you broke the first one by using the CODE tag.

The first rule of Athlete's Salary is you DO NOT TALK ABOUT Athlete's Salary

lol thanks for the help

You're welcome.

If you place #include <iostream> there the program actually works...

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