When you wake up early in the morning and rushed for college or office and after reaching over there , you came to know that it is off due to some reasons. did it happen with you at any time ? If yes, then what had you done after that ? Gone for movie? or just gone back home ? or just opened the DW and started a thread like this (this is what i am doing :p ) ? :-D

Ohhh like time off! I thought you meant like come into the office and all the computers are randomly off!!!

I usually go home and relax for a few hours, maybe nap and then go out to keep me busy (Or play a game)

in college, I used that time to socialize with friends.
as for work, I've never encountered that work was 'off'. sure, sometimes some union wants to protest, but since they have no right stopping me from going to my work.
the only thing I can imagine is that the public transport is on strike, but then we usually know that earlier, and can make our preparations, as in taking a day off, or taking our laptop home and work from there.

@stuluske yeah. that is good thing which you do. i will remeber this for next time. :D

The reverse happened to me!
Thought it was a free day(we had a complicated holyday scheme). Thought let's take a relaxing bath... Then the telefone rang! The boss!!!
Two hours later than normal I was back at work...

I had that happen a half hour after a final exam started. I ran into my professor who wanted to know why I wasn't writing it. Major panic attack. I managed to get there before they locked me out.

commented: lol :D +0

I once thought we had school on a friday... i was standing in school for an hour, not realizing there was no school because of a holiday

And that was yesterday...

commented: hahha.... :p +0
commented: Like your new avatar; funny and creepy at the same time! +0
Member Avatar for LastMitch

I once thought we had school on a friday... i was standing in school for an hour, not realizing there was no school because of a holiday

A holiday on a friday?

What holiday is that?

What holiday is that?

Not exactly a holiday but a teacher's training day ;) it was technically a holiday for us though...

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Not exactly a holiday but a teacher's training day ;) it was technically a holiday for us though...

I am wondering what are the teachers training for? Of course, if I was teen again, yes that would technically be a holiday. I would have play my nintendo.

I am wondering what are the teachers training for?

No idea :D

the 100m writing-on-blackboard freestyle, perhaps? :)

commented: great idea :D +0

Sadly they have invented VPN, so even if the offices are all magically shut due to something we can all still work :(

commented: hahha.... :p VPN :p +0
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