Last Thursday, I somehow managed to break my little pinky toe. I was walking over to my kitchen sink to do the dishes and I somehow kicked my garbage can. I'm not sure what I did, but I ended up with a broken toe.

The next day, I had a 4th of July party planned, and I was on my feet, and in excruciating pain, the entire day between setting up and playing host. I went and had a doctor check me out the next day.

It's now a week later and I'm still in really bad pain. Just venting because it's 3 am and I can't sleep and my foot hurts!!

Get swell soon.

commented: Idk why, i see a happy face on your foot +0

Argh. Broken toes hurt lots. When I last broke my little toe (have broken one twice, and another once) I couldn't sleep and ended up constructing a makeshift duvet tent thing out of some wire I had laying around. That made things much better.

Now, I wear steel toe cap boots all the time - but not in bed, obviously, that would just be kinky...

Get better soon Dani!
Had to let cut a piece out of my right ear, due to some serious but not lethal skin cancer. Could not sleep on it for 3 weeks. Although it was localy sedated during the operation, I can still hear the cutting and carving! Think of that, maybe you can forget a little bit of your pain.

I've broken toes before. I was in plain for several months. The last toe I broke took a year to fully heal.

Sounds painful. Kind of hard to get around without irritating it. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Thanks for the well wishes guys!

Awww.... sounds painful. I hope it gets better soon, hang in there Dani.

(N.B. "Kram." is swedish for "I wish I could give you a hug." or "I send you a hug.")

It's not cool to kick trashcans Dani :p I hope you'll get better soon!

I'm not entirely positive I kicked the garbage can. I wasn't looking down. I was simply turning the corner into my kitchen to head to the sink when suddenly I was in excruciating pain. The garbage can was the only thing around so I'm assuming that's what happened. Either way, the garbage can certainly did lose the fight because I banged on its lid like ten times in a row right after it happened as it was the only thing around to hit.

commented: lol +0

It's very interesting.

We are coming closer to be able to hack the human brain, we can control robots with our brain so maby you can write some code to heal things :)

Get better soon!

cold packs against the swelling might help, as reduced swelling reduces pressure it should also reduce the pain.

Other than that, keep your weight off it, don't wear any shoes that press against that toe, and fingers crossed.

  • gets pop corn * also I'd never ever suggest this but if it won't let you even sleep, then pain killers at that time might be somewhat a good idea(Just not the BEAR dose ones cuz they are addictive as far as I've heard)

A local anesthetic like the gel one uses on gums for a sore tooth might help.

Orajel is going to help a broken bone??

I found that taping it to the next toe helped, certainly wouldn't want to be rubbing anything into to be honest :)

Look on the bright side, you didn't stub your toe into a thin, dry, and flaky toothpick (i bet that made you guys flinch ;))...

On the other bright side, you will get better in probably a week or 2...

I buried a toothpick in the bone of my heel once. It was stuck standing up in the carpet. Also, one time I drove a splinter a quarter of an inch under a fingernail.

commented: Ouch +0

@Jim... well thats great, you just made me flinch -_-

I found that taping it to the next toe helped

Yes, it's been like that, with a splint between them off and on.

Two for flinching <M/>

@Dani, I hope it feels better and better with each day that passes. I've broken toes a few times and my big toe took the longest to heal. Try to keep it elevated as much as you can, it helped me a bit to do that.

@RJ, you made me think, if there's ever a sewing needle or a splinter on the floor, I'm the guy to step on it. I've stepped on more than what I'm comfortable saying. For some reason my feet attract pointy objects lol.

For some reason my feet attract pointy objects lol.

That is why i bought myself shoes to wear in the house... i keep hitting my pinky toe on the edges of furniture or on something sharp...

shoes to wear in the house..

Also known as slippers :-)

That said, I wear by steel toecap para boots everywhere (indoors and out) and only take them off when I go to bed. Hate households where I am expected to remove my shoes before entering, so always wear totally minging socks just in case...

commented: no... i meant shoes +0

Also known as slippers :-)

No... i meant shoes, i have 2 pairs dedicated for home use... i have slippers as well :)

I always thought you were odd, now there is proof ;-)

Two pairs dedicated for home use? Is that one for upstairs and one down, or one formal and one casual? When do you wear the slippers if you also have shoes? Are the shoes for moving around in and the slippers for when you have sat down?


commented: :) +0

I always thought you were odd, now there is proof ;-)

Haven't you noticed my avatar? There is no way i can be considered normal no matter what we are talking about..

Two pairs dedicated for home use?


Is that one for upstairs and one down, or one formal and one casual?

They are somewhat left around the house that way but realistacly, i just wear whatever one i see first.

Wehn do you wear the slippers if you also have shoes?

If my feet are cold or i just feel like it (and when my dogs and cat are not fighting for it), then i wear it.

Are the shoes for moving around in and the slippers for when you have sat down?

Not really. The shoes are just worn to keep the house clean and to protect my feet from hitting things (neither shoe look used... both look like they are display shoes at a nike store). the slippers are worn when i feel like it (typically winter mornings).


Yeah :)

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