See the ranking of this newbie poster and compare it to statistics of the day for the site. Gives some thoughts about what kind of members the forum has. How about OpenID login without registration.

That user is one rank up on me.. and i've got much more activity. Strange.

so much for my e-peen hahaha

BUT then again, I don't have reputation points...

commented: Yes you do. +0

Ask and you shall receive. That'll bump you up a bit. (unless reputation in this forum doesn't count, I don't pay a lot of attention to reputation and how it works)

unless reputation in this forum doesn't count

Nope. Hehe.

Ask and you shall receive. That'll bump you up a bit. (unless reputation in this forum doesn't count, I don't pay a lot of attention to reputation and how it works)

Lol i wasn't asking, it was more so an observation, but thank you! ^_^ Always appreciated! [even when it doesnt count!]

See the ranking of this newbie poster and compare it to statistics of the day for the site. Gives some thoughts about what kind of members the forum has. How about OpenID login without registration.

I'm guessing we have an 850,000 way tie for spot 4,444.

JamieLynnSEO, I just repped you where it DOES count, so you're now in the running for #1320.

Today, DaniWeb is an IT Discussion community which, at only four years old, has developed into a thriving online community of over 750,000 IT professionals and over a million forum posts

Average post do the math

I'm guessing we have an 850,000 way tie for spot 4,444.

Now the member count has increased by another 100.

So you have to make more parts of the pie. :icon_lol:

I'm guessing we have an 850,000 way tie for spot 4,444.

JamieLynnSEO, I just repped you where it DOES count, so you're now in the running for #1320.

Average post do the math

Oh snap! Haha. I'll try not to let the points go to my head! ^_- Thanks!

I don't know how this reputation thig works either. It doesn't seem to mean much to people other than those who have thousands of posts.

From what I understand its regarding the quality of feedback by that user, so when you get advice you can evaluate how effective or "valuable" this members input is. how "legitimate" they are or something along those lines. (hopefully this was worded correctly...)

The most confusing point to most is that upvotes and reputations are separate things and not so clearly presented to be so in the user interface.

For me it is very good to have evaluation of quality and that encouragement to contribute. As I now am somehow 'old member', I try to delay my responses little to give newbies possible to help out others with they own level of skills. Nothing teach you more than teaching others (even the things you just learned to answer the question).

Well they're not entirely separate things because you cannot give reputation without up/downvoting.

Basically, you can up or down vote.
And then, if you want your vote to affect someone's reputation, it's an "advanced feature" of voting.

Just sayin'...


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