I can't figure out why but at the minute I have no instant emails about thread updates etc.

Have I got any settings wrong or is something else amiss under the hood?

Have I got any settings wrong or is something else amiss under the hood?

Might be. Friday or saturday I got the e-mail invitation to chat for the wednesday before.

Only just got the email for a post update 7 hours ago

Peronally, I would like to see a quicker turn around on email alerts for updated threads on a regular basis.
Most of the time I won't see an email notification up to 30 minutes or more after a thread had been updated.

We have been having email server issues the past few days. The email server was malfunctioning for most of Saturday, and the number of emails in the queue created an enormous backlog.

With regards to email alerts for updated threads, we send those out in batches once an hour. You can subscribe to our mailing list for instant alerts, but prepared to receive a lot of emails. It works like a traditional bidirectional listserv and it's recommended that you create rules for your mail client to filter and sort, but once you do, it's powerful.

Yes I turned on the mailing list when you first released it when we all didn't know what to expect :D

Guess I'll settle for hourly! Just got to wait for the backlog to clear

I just got the email about the above post, down to 10 mins behind!

Well, yes, it's designed to be anywhere up to an hour delayed. More than that is due to an email issue.

I got it yesterday at 10:20am :)

Still a tad late :p

The email queue is completely empty except for those isp's that are rate limiting our emails. Can you send me a PM with your email so that I can look into why you are having issues?

Sorry blud, I wasn't aware of the last responses, do you still want email?

Latest amusing email of the day... commented on a post and 5 minutes later got an email telling me about a thread reply... that happened before I even posted/watched the article :D

Edit: Being named blud makes my posts look worse :(

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