What has gone wrong with DaniWeb? It is no longer normal usable on the Ubuntu Phone.

I can't tell which browser was used. Try the other web browsers. I often find when on bleeding edge platforms that can help.

Did you recently upgrade to the latest browser version? Maybe there's something funky going on with it? As rproffitt says, do other browsers still work fine?

Another web browser not available on the ubuntu
phone. I have Meizu pro 5 Ubuntu edition. All software is updated.

Thanks AndrisP. I was under the impression Ubuntu, even in it's phone version had and allowed other browsers.

That's sad news. Adding with edit. The news was worse than I expected.

On top of stopping development they killed off the app portal. This explains so much.

This is what you see with BlackBerrry phones and their browser issues. Since the user base is so small, it's hard to get support from anyone.

Second PS. The more I read about this phone the more it became clear I'd be installing Android.

Maybe can I disable mobile view on the DaniWeb?

We don't have a separate desktop + mobile view. We just use responsive web design that is based on the browser dimensions.

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Mobile version in Android/Chrome - pretty unusable / limited functionality:


Request Desktop Site in Android/Chrome - at least it works:


So although there isn't a mobile version, you can see the full version in Android/Chrome. The mobile view is too frustrating to use (sorry Dani).

I took a closer look and it appears the CSS is broken. Can you do a hard refresh or clear the browser cache? That should correct the problem.

I try it many times but it does not change anything

It looks like it's not loading the Twitter Bootstrap CSS files, which reside on Google's CDN. Do you have any settings set to not load external resources on a webpage?

It was not the only problem with Ubuntu phone OS. Yesterday I reinstall OS to Flyme Android.

Yes. FireFox is the best of android web browsers for DaniWeb IMHO.

I much prefer chrome. It seems like web browsers always go through phases. First internet explorer was considered bloatware and Firefox was considered the lean alternative. Then Firefox became bloaty and it was chrome that was lean. Now it's back to Firefox. And things come full circle with the new Microsoft Edge being fast, with a new name to boot after IE got such a bad rap.

@AndrisP It's great you were able to escape all this with another OS load. I have a few diehard Blackberry friends (well just one now) and they had a rough time letting go.

@Dani, only in respect to being lumped in to "other" when you read smart phone market shares.

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