Hi you guys! Sorry, for being gone for 2 months. I had a bunch of finals, and last night I finished the last bit of my AP homework assignments for next year. I also managed to work on my web development and software skills lately (I am getting better with C# and Java).

I have noticed a whole lot has changed, nice job Dani!

BTW, I noticed some people have missed me :) http://www.daniweb.com/community-center/geeks-lounge/threads/455187/m-or-michael

*Also, I may not be posting as often. Since I am entering sophmore year, I have more and more school work to be done. But don't worry, I will still be here.

Who are you again?

commented: LOL +0

@pritaeas, LOL.

welcome back
without you , there was quiet silence in Geeks' Lounge Forum , but now i hope there will be more activity , more threads and more replies as well.

once again i personally welcome you . . .

commented: :) thanks for the welcome +0

without you , there was quiet silence in Geeks' Lounge Forum , but now i hope there will be more activity , more threads and more replies as well.

haha, i have noticed that ;)

Thanks for your welcome :)

Wb, although it was so lovely quiet for a while ;)

commented: ... +0

Welcome back M!
So you say you've been doing your finals for the past couple of months... or where you actualy on an undercover mission with the Secret Intelligence Service?

(a terrible joke and a James Bond reference for those of you who don't get it)

So you say you've been doing your finals for the past couple of months... or where you actualy on an undercover mission with the Secret Intelligence Service?

that would be so much better...

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