Ok so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction here, but how is a site developed so that it may be modified online?
By this I mean so a client can say click on a hotspot, log in and amend the content of a page, or add/remove an attachment, but not alter the structure in any way?
I know the answer to this is not going to be a simple one liner, but I would really appreciate any assistance anyone could give me - or even a good resource.
Thanks in advance :)

how about using something like PcAnywhere or Hummingbird ?

how about using something like PcAnywhere or Hummingbird ?

That's for remote accessing a computer is it not? I'm only looking for a solution that allows for editing of web pages directly - I could be missing something here though, sorry if I'm being dense?

>>That's for remote accessing a computer is it not?

>>I'm only looking for a solution that allows for editing of web pages directly
>>By this I mean so a client can say click on a hotspot, log in and amend the content of a page
You have to do that on the client's computer. I guess you could do the actualy work on your local computer then use PcAnywhere to log into the client's computer and transfer the file(s) there. Unless the client has a way setup so that you can log onto his computer via web url. Then you could upload the file(s) to his computer via web.

if you used a server side language such as php/asp.net you could generate content based on say what a client has stored in a database.

this is how most heavy client edited sites work that i have worked on due to them not having to have any experience with the actual code behind.

if you used a server side language such as php/asp.net you could generate content based on say what a client has stored in a database.

this is how most heavy client edited sites work that i have worked on due to them not having to have any experience with the actual code behind.

Thanks heaps for the advice, I've not learnt quite enough php/asp as yet so I'm still a lil too green for the task . . but in time I will get it down ><

ive never used contribute or cushy cms but they look ideal approaches for small sites requiring simple content to be updated. Im intrigued and may look into it.

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