We have Windows 2003 server SP2 software on our office network and prior to its installation, I used to be able to send out broadcast messages to everyone in the office (i.e. the server is going down in 10 minutes, etc) I can no longer find how to send a broadcast message from our server. I do this as opposed to any type messenger or email as I need to get the info to the users fast and many times they don't open emails or look at messages until later. We are on two floors and it used to allow me to get to everyone at a computer quickly. Does anyone know how to send messages to all network computers from a 2003 server? thanks

Barbara Pierce

net send * is currently disabled by default as an option, because users are abusing it

so instead of doing this, just install a mail service (Exchange?) and send emails to distribution lists

net send * is currently disabled by default as an option, because users are abusing it

so instead of doing this, just install a mail service (Exchange?) and send emails to distribution lists

I do have Exchange installed. Unfortunately many people won't check their email but will look at their screen to see a message flash on it.

I do have Exchange installed. Unfortunately many people won't check their email but will look at their screen to see a message flash on it.

in that case you might want to consider an internal IM server - free jabber, or MScommunicator server

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