Whats your favourite wallpaper site ?

I've 5000+ slides in my private collection. That's enough to allow me to change my desktop once a week for almost a hundred years.
And I photograph enough to add to that collection at a rate of maybe a hundred a week on average, so I'll never run out :)


Whats your favourite wallpaper site ?

I like sites that have wallpaper focusing on 3d art, nature, and space rather than softcore porn. ;)

I finally remembered the sites name that I usually get walls from:


It has some good ones, but normally a search is involved if you want to find one with quality.

I've 5000+ slides in my private collection. That's enough to allow me to change my desktop once a week for almost a hundred years.
And I photograph enough to add to that collection at a rate of maybe a hundred a week on average, so I'll never run out :)

OMG J! I thought I was a pack rat! LOL!

I finally remembered the sites name that I usually get walls from:


It has some good ones, but normally a search is involved if you want to find one with quality.

theme xp is decent but it has adware.

theme xp is decent but it has adware.

Err...are ya sure about that? ;)

I didn't think it did. And also, CastleCops rates it as non-spyware.


I like that a spam advert has turned into a little discussion.

I usually just get mine from movie websites. I wouldn't touch Theme XP or wallpaperview.com with a ten foot lan cable.


These are all CGI images. There are some really great free ones, and if you pay a very small fee (this site is this guy's sole source of income for his family) you get access to hundreds of his renderings going back years. He's really quite good.

I like that a spam advert has turned into a little discussion.

How is this a spam advert? It's a question with no links.

Whats your favourite wallpaper site ?

How is this a spam advert? It's a question with no links.

After I read Marty's post, I found the spam post, and removed all but the question. :)

I like that a spam advert has turned into a little discussion.

I usually just get mine from movie websites. I wouldn't touch Theme XP or wallpaperview.com with a ten foot lan cable.

To be very specific ThemeXP.org does have spyware in some of the zip packages but only the first time you click on the package. If you back out and click again you get the clean package (usually). Nafarious? Absolutely. I tested several of those packages for a well known security forum (I test a/v comparatives) and there are quite a few with trojan dialers and backdoor keyloggers and phone-home nasties. Sad but true. If you didn't know before i'll tell you now use firefox and use the dr.web extension as it will let you know if you use the drop down dr.web scanning option if ANY package has something in it, including zip.

I've 5000+ slides in my private collection. That's enough to allow me to change my desktop once a week for almost a hundred years.
And I photograph enough to add to that collection at a rate of maybe a hundred a week on average, so I'll never run out :)

So how long are you planning on living for.?...

I make my own wallpaper or just search for something in Google Images. I don't want to be limited to one website.

I only change my wallpaper when I get really bored of it though.

i like comics heroe wallpaper

those link had some of good stuff to show

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