
I hv searched my site on google,bt it is not showing any result.I hv uploaded my site n can view the site frm its url,bt google can't search it...WHY..?

Reply soon.


It takes several weeks for your site to appear in the search engines if you submit them...and much longer if they have to find your site on their own.

Thankx for ur reply,

Can u plz guide me that hw i can submit my site to google?

I hv added my site bt still google is not searching it.Also plz guide me tht whether I need to add a meta tag?If so thn plz guide hw to add it.


It will take 3 weeks or longer for Google to index your site.

Thankx for ur reply.

Is there any other way to submit my site to google n to other search engines,which give faster result?Also plz tell me tht is this problem related to:

1-Meta tags.
2-Usage of many images on site.

As I hv added txt in form of images to my site n also I hv added meta tag,bt it is still not working.


The time it takes to get listed has nothing to do with your site. Google indexes millions of sites...that's just how long it takes to get to it.

Adding the meta tags will certainly improve the search engine capablity to find your site, try giving some catchy title or keywords in meta tag.

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